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Sing, I say," repeated the woman, advancing the poker so as actually to singe the skin. "Take it away, and I will," cried Vanslyperken, breathless. "Well then, `Poll put her arms a-kimbo." "`Poll put her arms a-kimbo," repeated Vanslyperken. "That's saying, not singing," cried the woman. "Now again. `At the admiral's house looked she."

The admiral's flagship was descried, and, still striving to avert suspicion, the American ships worked gradually toward him. Before they could get within range the Moorish admiral took the alarm, and, crowding on every stitch of canvas, made a resolute effort to escape.

To such vicissitudes are all maritime operations liable, and it is fortunate when there is sufficient capacity in the leaders to remedy them. In less than an hour, the Plantagenet's hull began to sink, to those on a level with it, when the Carnatic tripped her anchor, opened her canvass, shot out of the fleet, hauled by the wind, and followed in the admiral's wake.

"At the same moment," continued Gues, "I felt a shock; my bark was swamped, and I fell into the water, but the waves of the Scheldt knew me for an old acquaintance, and threw me up again. It was the admiral's boat taking M. de Joyeuse on board, and which had passed over me; God only knows how I was not crushed or drowned."

The admiral's ship was in the offing as we entered the harbour; and, without the slightest warning or time for preparation after we had made our muster, the old gentleman signalled, much to Tom's discomposure, that he was coming on board of us for inspection at once.

If one wished the Viceroy and his brothers ill, it was found to be heady wine; if the other way round, it seemed thin, chilly and bitter. Here at Concepcion were Admiral's friends. After an hour he came again among us, behind him Carvajal. Now, this man, Christopherus Columbus, always appeared most highly and nobly Man, most everlasting and universal, in great personal trouble and danger.

Soon after noon, however, the Edgar managed to get in with the Spanish admiral's flagship the Phoenix, of eighty guns and in the evening the Prince George, with eleven or twelve ships, worked in round Europa Point; but Admiral Rodney, with the main body of the fleet and the prizes, was forced to anchor off Marbella a Spanish town fifteen leagues east of Gibraltar.

Nelson refused the proposal. "I cannot give up my officers," he said, in the spirit that so endeared him to his followers; but the compliment was felt, and was enhanced by the admiral's approval of his motives. The prospective occupation of Toulon gave occasion for a yet more nattering evidence of the esteem in which he was held.

His brother the Adelantado, who supported him with his accustomed fondness and devotion through all his trials, proceeded to court to attend to his interests, taking with him the admiral's younger son Fernando, then aged about seventeen.

"So, you've an expedition on hand, Sergeant Tanner." "Yes, Mistress Corbett, and I'm one of the party." "I wish you joy," replied Nancy, sarcastic ally. "Oh, it's nothing, Mistress Corbett, nothing at all, only some smugglers in a cave; we'll soon rout them out." "I've heard a different account from the admiral's clerk." "Why, what have you heard?" "First, tell me how many men are ordered out."