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The oath, then, which is administered to the visitor, and which he may, if he chooses, require every one present to take with him, is in the following words

All that they had really done was to shirk their duty. Somebody had to do that duty, and accordingly I did it. I went ahead and administered the proposed treaty anyhow, considering it as a simple agreement on the part of the Executive which would be converted into a treaty whenever the Senate acted.

He hastened to my chamber, and administered the assistance which my condition required. When I opened my eyes I beheld him before me. His skill as a reasoner as well as a physician, was exerted to obviate the injurious effects of this disclosure; but he had wrongly estimated the strength of my body or of my mind.

There were sacred lamps, fed with olive oil, and incense during the holy rite. Baptism was administered in the name of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Excommunication was inflicted on Christians who disgraced their profession. No one might pray, even in private, with excommunicated persons, except at the cost of being excommunicated himself.

The financial honor of a great commercial nation, largely indebted and with a republican form of government administered by agents of the popular choice, is a thing of such delicate texture and the destruction of it would be followed by such unspeakable calamity that every true patriot must desire to avoid whatever might expose it to the slightest danger.

It was further declared that the prisoner's wife had died of the poison thus administered b y her husband, on one or other, or both, of the stated occasions; and that she was thus murdered by her husband.

A single glance out of the window, however, at the length of the shadows cast by the various objects lighted by the sun outside, sufficed to satisfy him that habit had triumphed over even the influence of the narcotic which had been administered to him, and that he was certainly not more than a few minutes late.

In the State bedroom the small group of watchers surrounded the bed. The slow minutes filed away in dreary procession. Another hour passed. Then the figure on the bed, hitherto so motionless, twitched and moved; the lips parted. 'There is hope, said the doctor, and administered a stimulant which was handed to him by Nella. In a quarter of an hour the patient had regained consciousness.

For it was just about this time that the Viaticum must have been administered to his father.