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He seized them hastily, and ran up by the forward gangway, which brought him out upon the forward deck not very far from where the bird was resting upon the coil of rigging. He crept softly up toward him, and adjusted, as he went, his arrow to his bow.

The Pehmo determines which is the most propitious day, and the Tumuh and his people proceed to the appointed spot. A limestone rock with an old tree trunk near is chosen as an altar, and a sheep and pig are brought forward by the Tumuh. The Pehmo, having adjusted his clothes, sits cross-legged before the altar, and begins intoning his incantations in a low muttering voice.

"Go back home, of course, stupe," put in Dorothy, "do you have to be told every little thing?" "Sure never thought of that," and Seaton, after a moment's rapid mental arithmetic, swung the great tube around, rapidly adjusted a few dials, and stepped down upon a pedal. There was a fleeting instant of unthinkable velocity; then they found themselves poised somewhere in space.

In a few moments she went down the hall to her bedroom and took a cold bath and made a cup of strong coffee; then dressed herself in a suit of gray cloth, straight and loose, that her swiftest movements might not be impeded. In the belt under the jacket she adjusted her pistol and dagger. She returned to the Saal and once more looked down upon the unconscious man.

We have only to glance at the life-histories of divergent forms to see that the territory has been gradually adjusted to suit their respective needs limited in size here, expanded there, to meet new conditions as they arose.

"We will soon have that phase of the case adjusted," observed the professor in a confident and satisfied tone. "Hi, fellows, look there!" shouted Bob Upton. It was two days after the arrival of Samuel Mace, the jeweler, at Bellwood School, and the boys were engaged in their usual late afternoon sports on the campus.

"Yes," he replied after a moment. "Are you quite certain?" Mr. Latham insisted. Something in the tone caused Mr. Czenki to raise his beady black eyes questioningly for an instant, after which he walked over to a window and adjusted his magnifying glass again. For a moment or more he stood there, then: "It's the same stone," he announced positively.

If, therefore, the members of our congregation have any disagreement with each other, they should appear before the church council and be directed and reconciled in a Christian manner, if the matter may thus be adjusted.

Three days passed, and Bob was one morning in the foretop when suddenly he gave a wild shout. "Land ahoy!" "Where away?" asked Captain Sumner quickly. For from the deck nothing but icebergs were to be seen. "To the northwest, sir. Will you let me have the glass?" The glass was quickly brought and adjusted. The captain gave one glance. "Ah! Bob, look!"

Extrinsic goodness will then signify the adjustment of an object to something which lies outside itself; intrinsic will say that the many powers of an object are so adjusted to one another that they cooperate to render the object a firm totality. Both will indicate relationship; but in the one case the relations considered are extra se, in the other inter se.