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He's here on the spot, and if you want to quiz him about details, go as deep as you like." Did they? Say, that séance didn't break up until six-fifteen, and before the board adjourns Rowley had a whackin' big option check in his fist, and a resolution had gone through to install an experiment plan as soon as it could be put up.

"Does he want any capital?", asked the Colonel, in the tone of a man who is given to calculating carefully before he makes an investment. "No. Old man Bolton's behind him. He has capital, but I judged that he wanted my experience in starting." "If he wants me, tell him I'll come, after Congress adjourns. I should like to give him a little lift. He lacks enterprise now, about that Columbus River.

It had a ludicrous effect upon Bradley like a person talking to himself. "The city may be said to die, when Congress adjourns. Its life is political, and when its political motor ceases to move the city lies sprawled out like a dead thing. Its streets are painfully quiet. Its street cars shuttle to and fro under the burning sun, and its teamsters loaf about the corners drowsily.

Surely the two arms of God's almightiness are two pillars strong enough to hold up any auditorium. But that audience is not to remain in session long. Most audiences on earth after an hour or two adjourn. Sometimes in court-rooms an audience will tarry four or five hours, but then it adjourns. So this audience spoken of in the text will adjourn.

Then it's customary for a fellow just admitted to the bar to have a little jug around at his office before court adjourns just to comply with a professional custom, you know. No trouble about it not in the least. I'll see you through."

Followin' which, Doris uses the powder-puff under her eyes a little and we adjourns to the Plutoria palm-room, where we had a perfectly good dinner, all the humility Westy could buy with a two-dollar tip, and no folksy chatter on the side. Next day the Westlakes calls up another agency, and by night they had an entire new line of help on the job. What do you guess, though?

"I don't believe I'm going to relish being ringmaster of a lot of stuffed animals, no matter what kind of a title I get. How much pay goes with the job?" "Fifteen hundred," said the governor. "Well," sighed Breed, "it will give me a chance to be around the State House during the session, and I'll take it. Then if I don't like it I can resign after the legislature adjourns."

A little fellow on the back seat saves the day. Up goes his brown fist. "Well, Vito, who is he?" "McKinley!" pipes the lad, who remembers the election just past; and the school adjourns for ice-cream. It is a sight to see them eat it.

This being accomplished, the assembly temporarily adjourns, and persons previously appointed for this office spread on the tables a modest supper of bread and cake, coffee, chocolate, and a few other articles of food, and to this all sit down with solemn joy. At the conclusion of this meal, a hymn is sung, and the assembly retire to their homes.

Under these circumstances, therefore, I announce that if Congress adjourns without positive legislation on the subject of "civil-service reform" I will regard such action as a disapproval of the system, and will abandon it, except so far as to require examinations for certain appointees, to determine their fitness. Competitive examinations will be abandoned.