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Chester kept his eyes on all three. Chester was plainly nervous. Had he been in the danger himself his nerves would have been as hard as steel, but the inaction while someone else was doing the work made him impatient and fanciful. Finally General Rentzel approached the Swiss minister and paid his adieus. Then he moved toward the cloakroom. Halfway there he was intercepted by Mrs.

At last, however, they bid the Professor good-by, and left him upon the threshold, his massive head nodding his adieus, his frail little body sharply outlined by the glow from the hall. The two had reached their own car around on the other road before Pendleton spoke. Then he inquired: "Well, have you learned anything from him?" "I think I can say 'yes' to that," answered the other.

At seven o'clock two hundred thousand soldiers were on board the fleet; and when a little after midday this fine army was on the point of starting amidst the adieus and good wishes of the whole city, assembled upon the walls and upon the surrounding cliffs, and at the very moment when all the soldiers standing with uncovered heads were about to bid farewell to the soil of France, crying, "Vive l'Empereur!" a message arrived from the imperial barrack, ordering the troops to disembark, and return to camp.

Rockharrt and Corona Haught, escorted by Mr. Clarence, stepped from the train at the depot of the capital city of their State which must, for obvious reason, be nameless and were driven to the Young Ladies' Institute, where the girl was left, and as the adieus were being said it was explained to Cora that discretion and social conventionality dictated that her correspondence with young Rothsay should cease.

"Good night!" said Earl, in reply to their thanks and adieus; " 'taint anything to thank a body for let me know when you're a-goin' into the sugar-making, and I'll come and help you." "How sweet a pleasant message may make an unmusical tongue!" said Fleda, as she and Hugh made their way up to the house. "We had a stupid enough afternoon," said Hugh. "But the ride home was worth it all!"

Jeanne held Poulet in a long embrace, while Aunt Lison remained in the background, her face hidden in her handkerchief. The baron, however, who was becoming affected, cut short the adieus by dragging his daughter away. They got into the carriage and went back through the darkness to "The Poplars," the silence being broken by an occasional sob.

"I doubt if you will change the laws of art," said Mr. Lyon, rising to go. "We shall hope to see you again at our house," my wife said. "You are very good. I should like it; but my time is running out." "If you cannot come, you may leave your adieus with Miss Debree, who is staying some time in the city," my wife said, evidently to Margaret's annoyance.

As he expected to set out in the morning very early, he would have made his adieus in parting for the night, mingling with them courteous expressions of the enjoyment which such society had afforded him after his long abstinence from all intellectual converse. "Believe me," said Mr. Graham, and the sentiment was corroborated by his daughter's eyes, "the pleasure has been mutual.

There were loving adieus from all but Master Freddy, who said to his sister, as she shook hands with him: 'Good-bye, Mabel; I'm glad you're going, you are always so cross with us. And now an entirely new mode of life was presented to Mabel; and Miss Livesay found, as, indeed, she had expected to find, a fruitful source of trouble in her newly adopted pupil.

Marie began to protest and to explain and to say that Miss Benham had been quite right in what she said, but the old gentleman only waved an impatient arm to him, and presently, when he saw the valet making signs across the bed, and saw that his host was really in a state of complete exhaustion after the outburst, he made his adieus and got away.