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"You will get well in a week here," said Granny, addressing Sasha. "Only you must eat more. What do you look like!" she sighed. "You are really dreadful! You are a regular prodigal son, that is what you are." "After wasting his father's substance in riotous living," said Father Andrey slowly, with laughing eyes. "He fed with senseless beasts."

In the parley, Tom Fool was imitating his master's voice and every one of the peculiarities of his speech to perfection, addressing them with extreme courtesy, as if he took them for gentlemen of no ordinary consideration, a point in his conception of his part which he never forgot throughout the whole business.

I do not know the extent of her income." "As far as we can make out," said Eve gently, "there is nothing. But I can work. I thought that my knowledge of Spanish might enable me to make a living." "No," said Captain Bontnor, "I'm d I mean I should not like you to go governessing, my dear." The Count was apparently reflecting. "I have a compromise to propose," he said, addressing himself to Eve.

And then, addressing his men, he added: "Now, then, two men to every window; take furniture, tables, chairs, anything, and barricade away we may have to stand siege." "Is there any immediate danger?" I ventured; "and if so, where do you wish us to go?" "No immediate danger whatever, sir, save from your own resistance," was his reply.

"Yussuf," said Haroun, addressing Giafer by that name in order to further their disguise and continue what gave promise of proving a very entertaining misunderstanding, "I am sure you will salute with due respect the person of this Grand Vizier, who is, I doubt not, as good a man or even a better than Giafer himself."

It was almost as though he were addressing another and more distant audience. "And," he continued, his voice still soaring, "even if my own family suffer, even if I suffer, even if I lose political promotion, those laws I will enforce!" In the more conventional tone of every-day politeness, he added: "May I speak to you outside, Mrs. Earle?"

I think that in these lines I am addressing many unknown friends, who, though knowing nothing more of me than they can learn from pages which I have written, have come gradually not to think of me as a stranger.

Tommy continued to sing, addressing the butler affectionately as "dear old whiskers." The footman took him by one arm, the butler by the other. They ran him down the drive, and neatly out of the gate. The butler threatened him with the police if he intruded again. It was beautifully done soberly and with perfect decorum.

He went on, with the dry perseverance of a commentator, to give the college reading, accompanied by sundry annotations: addressing himself at first to the company at large; but finding their attention gradually diverted to other talk, and other objects, he lowered his tone as his number of auditors diminished, until he concluded his remarks, in an under voice, to a fat-headed old gentleman next him, who was silently engaged in the discussion of a huge plateful of turkey.*

Now, my lady," he added, addressing her, "I see how you are sufferin', but I ask it as a favor that you will keep yourself quiet, and let me go on." "Proceed, then," said Lord Cullamore; "and do you, Lady Gourlay, restrain your emotion, if you can." "Thomas Gourlay I spake now to the father, my lord," said Corbet.