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And of this they never needed to repent. So the time passed till Endrid was thirty-one. He had been steadily adding to his father's wealth and to his own experience and independence; but had never made the smallest attempt at courtship; had not looked at a girl, either in their own district or elsewhere. And now his parents were beginning to fear that he had given up thoughts of it altogether.

"Have done, you silly Maria," said Lady Castlewood, adding, "Come and kiss my hand, child"; and little Harry Esmond took and dutifully kissed the lean old hand, upon the gnarled knuckles of which there glittered a hundred rings. "To kiss that hand would make many a pretty fellow happy!" cried Mrs.

Then, to my utter astonishment, he apprised me of the fact of General Cass having carried off my boots and breeches adding that it was a sort of mania with him, and for which he was not morally accountable. Then the negro began quizzing my person.

In a connection, the most inconsiderable man, by adding to the weight of the whole, has his value, and his use; out of it, the greatest talents are wholly unserviceable to the public.

The enormous extent of the strike, being, as it was, by far the largest uprising of women that has ever taken place upon this continent, while adding proportionately to the difficulties of conducting it to a successful issue, yet in the end deepened and intensified the lesson it conveyed.

Why had the archdeacon been careful of his money, adding house to house and field to field? He himself was contented, so he told himself, to die as he had lived in a country parsonage, working with the collar round his neck up to the day of his death, if God would allow him to do so. He was ambitious of no grandeur for himself.

Laudersdale adding by far the majority, possibly because her shining prey found destination in the same basket with Mr. Raleigh's, possibly because, as Helen had intimated, a sudden deftness had bewitched her fingers, so that neither dropping rod nor tangling reel detained her for an instant.

But the intelligence that there was still coal in the bin had cheered her wonderfully. Repenting of her rash conclusion, she hastened to qualify it by adding, "That is, if half of what the neighbors say is true. But, then, we have no right to listen to gossip, or to judge people."

"Yes," answered Grenfell. "I'm a doctor." "Us were hearin' now they's a doctor on your vessel," said the man with satisfaction. "Be you a real doctor, sir?" "Yes," assured the Doctor. "I hope I am." "They's a man ashore that's wonderful bad off, but us hasn't no money," suggested the man, adding expectantly, "You couldn't come to doctor he now could you, sir?"

"Shouldn't wonder," said Laura, adding with a rueful little smile: "I've never been able to find out whether it was an April Fool's present or not." "Well, I don't see what all that has to do with my proposition," put in Violet patiently. "Now own up don't you think it's a great idea?" "Wonderful," said Billie unenthusiastically. "I don't know when I've ever heard of anything so brilliant."