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He ought never to have encouraged the child to be acrobatic on the wall. It was he who had even put the idea of the wall as a means of access into the child's head. "Does it hurt?" he inquired, bending down, his hands on his knees. "Yes," said George, ceasing to cry. "Much?" asked Maggie, dusting the sailor hat and sticking it on his head. "No, not much," George unwillingly admitted.

McFudd waved his hand sadly as if in acquiescence to the inscrutable laws of fate, begged the gentlemen present to give no further thought to his existence, and after a moment of silence continued his remarks on the acrobatic ring to Oliver in the same monotonous tone of voice which he had addressed to the room before Cockburn's flank movement had made him bite the dust. "It may seem to you, Mr.

He now completes his training in schools where aerial shooting is taught, and in others where he practises combat, group manoeuvres, and acrobatic stunts such as looping the loop and the more difficult tricks. In all it requires from seven to nine months. Dennis Dowd, of Brooklyn, N.Y., is so far the only American volunteer aviator killed while in training.

You see, monsieur," he went on, "that in England the public are not acquainted with any other language than their own, and when Continental artists are engaged we prefer those whose performance consists chiefly of acrobatic or other feats in which dialogue is unnecessary." The barrister's ready explanation was sufficient. Nevertheless Beaucaire was puzzled.

And, fascinated by the novelty of the situation, she stood a moment watching his antics, which were similar to those of a monkey upon a pole. Again and again he climbed the post, indulged in various acrobatic performances upon the foot-board, and then turned a double somersault right into the centre of the great feather-bed.

When he went out, he would be careful to 'walk well, wear his hat well, move his head properly, and his arms gracefully'; and I for one sympathize with the low-breds if they found him a merry spectacle; when he went in, he would remember pertinently that 'a well-bred man is known by his manner of sitting. 'Easy in every position, say the Principles of Politeness, 'instead of lolling or lounging as he sits, he leans with elegance, and by varying his attitudes, shows that he has been used to good company. Good company, one judges, must have inclined to be rather acrobatic.

"Oh, daddy! daddy! do take me to see it!" "Father, I should like to see it very much indeed," were the exclamations of the two little boys. "You know I have never seen any acrobatic feats." "A long word enough to please you," said Uncle Reginald. "He deserves something. I'll take you, master." "I should think this was not of the first quality," said Sir Jasper. "Never mind.

They were bloated with science as with the puffiness of a toad, proud of their pedantic and all-sufficient intellectuality. Sons of sophistry and grandsons of cant, they had considered themselves capable of proving the greatest absurdities by the mental capers to which they had accustomed their acrobatic intellects.

His adventure in fire-resistance was on the occasion of the benefit to "Charley Young," on which eventful night, as the last of his acrobatic feats, he made a flying leap through a barrel of red fire, singeing his hair and eyebrows terribly.

"So they were, by Ritter & Company," retorted Andy, who overheard the talk. "Oh, give us a rest, Snow!" muttered Ritter. "I don't want the old office anyway, and all my real friends know it." "Sour grapes," answered the acrobatic youth. "Don't you get fresh, or I'll punch your head!" cried the bully, savagely. "Will you?" answered Andy. "Just you try it, if you dare!"