United States or Equatorial Guinea ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"It seems a throwing away of your talents and acquirements, to make a mere housekeeper of you," said Francis. "It is not such an insignificant office after all.

The most modest and obscure positions are sometimes the most agreeable. We had a major who had been a colonel in the Guards. It was whispered that he did not know very much about drill, having probably forgotten his acquirements. One day, however, he commanded the regiment, and I ventured to ask him a question.

Even as sources of valuable information, Spencer shows that our histories have been extremely deficient; but for moral purposes they are almost worthless. Now, moral dispositions are a better fruitage and test of worth in men than any intellectual acquirements. History is already a recognized study of admitted value in the schools.

There was another class of freemen who possessed no property, and who worked for hire on the property of others. "Among the freemen," says one writer, "we find certain professional persons whose acquirements and knowledge raised them above their class, and procured for them the respect and society of the nobles. Such were the seer, the bard, the herald, and likewise the smith and the carpenter."

I therefore look upon the evidence presented to me of the soldierly enthusiasm and military acquirements displayed on this occasion, with none the less pleasure because I am the citizen of another and distant State. It was not the policy of our government to maintain large armies of navies in time of peace. The history of our past wars established the fact that it was not needful to do so.

Not quite the old relations, however, for Miss Essie was a child no longer, but eighteen years of age, and a graduate of one of the most popular ladies' seminaries of the State, and quite inclined to stand on her dignity and claim due consideration for her years and acquirements.

We say that Hans could neither read nor write, but it must not therefore be thought that such acquirements were not valued in those days; on the contrary, it was considered at that time one of the very best and most desirable things in the whole world to be able to read, and one of the cleverest things in the world to be able to write; while he who was so happy as to be the possessor of a book, was esteemed one of the most fortunate of human beings.

Cruikshank had! how many millions of mortals has he made happy! To be greatly successful as a professional humorist, as in any other calling, a man must be quite honest, and show that his heart is in his work. A bad preacher will get admiration and a hearing with this point in his favor, where a man of three times his acquirements will only find indifference and coldness.

There was, however, another kind of composition in which his talents and acquirements qualified him to succeed; and to that he judiciousily betook himself. In his old age he used to say that he wrote Love in a Wood at nineteen, the Gentleman Dancing-Master at twenty-one, the Plain Dealer at twenty-five, and the Country Wife at one or two and thirty.

William T. Broome, with great defects of temper, unites very considerable literary talents and acquirements. A little attention would attach them all to you. My very worthy friend, Charles Biddle, of Philadelphia, has six or seven sons three of them grown up. With different characters and various degrees of intelligence, they will all be men of eminence and of influence.