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Further, granting that the separation from Great Britain annulled the constitution, the subsequent conduct of the people in assenting to, approving of, and acquiescing in such acts of the legislature, had established and rendered those acts valid and binding, and had given them all the force and authority of an express contract.

"I reckoned so," he said, with low and gloomy voice, and he knew, if Belllounds did not know, that he was not acquiescing with the other's harsh epithet, but only greeting the advent of something in himself. Belllounds shrugged his burly shoulders and slouched away. Wade finished his dressing of the meat. Then he rode up to spend an hour with Moore.

That, though entirely acquiescing in the justice of imposing upon the land the repayment of all money advanced for reproductive purposes, we solemnly protest, in the name of the owners and occupiers of land in Ireland, against the principle of charging exclusively on their property, the money which they have been forced to waste on unproductive works.

"Wealth," says Solomon, "maketh many friends, but the poor is separated from his neighbour" separated by his neighbour's selfishness, who is too much occupied with his own concerns to cast his eyes beyond the narrow limits of personal interest separated by his neighbour's insensibility, whose heart is often cold and motionless to pity as the stone which paves his doorway separated by his neighbor's avarice, who idolizes gold, and grasps it with unyielding tenacity separated by his neighbour's pride, who looks with contempt upon his unoffending inferior separated by his neighbour's servility, who flatters greatness even by acquiescing in its unfounded dislike of the poor ah!

She really seemed to him quite indifferent enough to care for his welfare. It was a point in the mysterious ways of women, or of widows, that Edward's experience had not yet come across. All the parties immediately concerned were apparently so desperately acquiescing in his suit, that he soon grew uneasy. Mrs.

The governor-general seems to have been influenced by these personal feelings, making everything as difficult as possible for Brown, and as easy as possible for Macdonald, even to the point of acquiescing in the evasion of the law known as the "Double Shuffle." In the debate on confederation.

The Signor Antonio flashed a bit of sarcastic mimicry, as if acquiescing in the justice of the opprobrious term from the high point of view: but mademoiselle might pass, she was good enough for the public. Beppo heard and saw no more. A tug from behind recalled him to his situation.

The Signor Antonio flashed a bit of sarcastic mimicry, as if acquiescing in the justice of the opprobrious term from the high point of view: but mademoiselle might pass, she was good enough for the public. Beppo heard and saw no more. A tug from behind recalled him to his situation.

Meantime fever and gangrene attacked the Count himself; and those in attendance upon him, fearing for his life, sent for his surgeon. Leicester refused to allow Adrian to depart, and Hohenlo very generously acquiescing in the decree, but, also requiring the surgeon's personal care, caused himself to be transported in a litter to Arnheim.

The sexton was a meek, acquiescing little man, of a bowing, lowly habit, yet he had a pleasant twinkling in his eye, and if encouraged, would now and then hazard a small pleasantry, such as a man of his low estate might venture to make in the company of high churchwardens and other mighty men of the earth.