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His was the true orator's temperament, with the qualities that belong to it the grasp of affairs the comprehension of men and states the constructive, administrative faculties. In such career, and in such career alone, could he have developed all his powers, and achieved an imperishable name.

This has been achieved in the lines which have been quoted times without number in the newest German war literature: Und es mag am deutschen Wesen Einmal noch die Welt genesen! "The hope here expressed has become a certainty for modern Germany, and the Germans see in this the moral basis for all their demands.

"Independence," he exclaimed, "is the only good we have achieved, at the cost of everything else." Whether the abounding confidence of the prophecy or the anxious doubt of the vision would come true, only the future could tell.

Sir Thomas Robinson held the Southern Department, charged with the colonies; and Lord Mahon remarks of him that the Duke had achieved the feat of finding a secretary of state more incapable than himself. He had the lead of the House of Commons. "Sir Thomas Robinson lead us!" said Pitt to Henry Fox; "the Duke might as well send his jackboot to lead us."

She was anxious to win the old dame to a benevolent frame of mind if possible, since to be thrown upon unwilling hospitality was the last thing she desired. It was characteristic of her that she achieved her purpose. When she returned to the parlour in Mrs. Marshall's wake, she had completely won her hostess's heart, a fact which Piers remarked on the instant.

He knew that it was less than seven years since the enclosures had been made, acres and acres of tillable land cleared, the houses built all achieved which converted the worthlessness of a wilderness into the sterling values of a farm. He he, Roger Purdee was a rich man for the "mountings," joining his little to this competence.

He achieved a reputation as a writer of poems and plays of marked individuality and vivid realism.

After a good deal of jostling and much scent of beer and bad tobacco they achieved an entrance, and sat upon a hard bench, half stifled with the odours, to which were added those of human and equine nature and of paraffin.

He was as much aware of its potential significance as anyone could be, and what leapt in his veins till he could have laughed aloud was the splendid conviction of resource. Already in the door of the passage he had achieved, from that point he looked at the scene before him with an impulse of loyalty and devotion.

"Everywhere, in Europe, they were talking of you, Mrs. Walters," said a lady, who had spent many years abroad, "and adopting your plans for vagrant and industrial schools, and for the management of hospitals and asylums. I have seen your name in the memorials laid before government in various foreign countries. You have certainly achieved a world-wide reputation.