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Ricardo tells Malthus that an accumulation of profit does not, as Malthus had said, necessarily raise wages ; and he ultimately decided, much to the scandal of his disciple, M'Culloch, that an increase of 'fixed capital' or machinery might be actually prejudicial, under certain circumstances, to the labourer.

He has rooms here; has had them coming on for thirty years now, and they are filled with a prodigious accumulation of trash stays, I dare say, and powder-puffs, and such effeminate idiocy to which none could dispute his title, even suppose any one wanted to. We had a perfect right to bid him go, and he had a perfect right to reply, "Yes, I will go, but not without my stays and cravats.

Not that I fast, in the papistical opinion that it adds to those merits, which are but an accumulation of filthy rags; but because I hold it needful that no grosser sustenance should this day cloud my understanding, or render less pure and vivid the thanks I owe to Heaven for a most wonderful preservation."

If this concentration of wealth were peculiar to the United States it might be attributed to the fact that this country has undergone exceptionally rapid expansion, during which the opportunities for accumulation were both unusual and irregularly distributed. But the explanation seems to lie deeper, for the same condition is to be found in all advanced industrial nations.

"Why, of course. There is an accumulation of evidence from the past hundred years which " "Broken limbs?" "Oh yes; there's the case of Pierre de Rudder, at Oostacker, in the nineteenth century. That's the first of the series the first, I mean, that has been scientifically examined. It's in all the old books." "What was the matter with him?" "Leg broken below the knee for eight years."

Man is so constituted as to be unable to bear, with safety, a rapid accumulation of property. To the truth of this, all history attests, whether ancient or modern, sacred or profane. The famous philosopher Locke, in his 'Thoughts on Education, thus observes: 'It is certain, gaming leaves no satisfaction behind it to those who reflect when it is over; and it no way profits either body or mind.

It is one of the tragedies of history that in the procession of events, the accumulation of incidents, year by year and generation by generation, famous men of any period so rapidly disappear. At the close of the Civil War there were at least a score of generals in the North, and as many in the South, whose names were household words.

At present there is no source whence this immense accumulation of sand could proceed; but if, as I believe, the upper escarpments once formed the shores of an estuary, in that case the sandstone formation of the river Negro would have afforded an inexhaustible supply of sand, which would naturally have accumulated on the northern shore, as on every part of the coast open to the south winds between Bahia Blanca and Buenos Ayres.

On the other hand, the inflow of vital force into the cells may be obstructed and their vibratory activity lowered by the accumulation of waste and morbid matter in the tissues, blood vessels and nerve channels of the body.

Let us take the eye as a somewhat crucial example. It is a seeing- machine, or thing to see with. So is a telescope; the telescope in its highest development is a secular accumulation of cunning, sometimes small, sometimes great; sometimes applied to this detail of the instrument, and sometimes to that.