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With that, the unknown displayed an accordion which was slung across his chest. Nichoune hurried to her dressing-room. She must get away before her admirers demanded her reappearance on the platform. The old man quitted the establishment. Stepping out of the vestibule, dimly lighted by a flickering jet of gas, he strode along the narrow and tortuous streets of Châlons at a great pace.

These are the banjo and accordion, the former being the favorite, perhaps because it is more intimately associated with the social traditions of the negroes. Their best performers play very skilfully on both, and indulge in as much ecstatic by-play as musicians of the most famous schools.

The slope of the whale's hump was ridged until it looked like a giant accordion. Crevasses opened, extending from the summit of the hill downward. Rocks came tumbling down by the score, and a column of smoke and flame rose from the crater to a height of two hundred feet or more. None of the party had been able to keep on a footing.

"Well, not a cripple, exactly. But I saw a hunchback with with " "Yes! yes!" cried the other, excitedly. "A hunchback with a handsome face! That is he! I am afraid of him. For three days he has sat there, waiting!" "For you? How absurd! Why should any one do such a ridiculous thing?" The Italian slipped his hands from the accordion and laid it aside.

The accordion ceased its complaint, men poured out of the lighted tents, Appleton moved cautiously out from cover. He stumbled forward through the knee-deep mud and moss, bearing slightly to his right, counting upon the confusion to mask his approach.

"If me and my accordion gets the shove-along, we takes it; and as for them hungry gully-scrapers darned dirty I-talyans, I call them why, let 'em rake the creek by theirselves; there's water in it, and some of that won't hurt some of them, either outside or in. Misters, if you likes 'armony, I'm with you; if you don't "

"I knocked and knocked, but you kept on playing; and after I finally took the liberty to come in and pull you by the coat, it was ten minutes before you found it out." In an attempt to look into the speaker's inmost soul, Mr. BUMSTEAD fell into a doze, from which the crash of his accordion to the floor aroused him in time to behold a very curious proceeding on the part of Mr.

By the bright torchlight he could see figures coming and going along the grade like sentinels, and from within the barricades of ties he heard others talking. The camp itself, which lay farther to the left, was lighted, and black silhouettes were painted against the canvas walls and roofs. Some one was playing an accordion, and its wailing notes came to him intermittently.

The young girl went to the closet and took from the top shelf an excessively ornamented accordion, the opulent gift of a reckless admirer.

The great cat took one look at the nigger dog trespassing upon forbidden ground. You could see Sir Thomas More swell with rage and astonishment, and then lengthen out like an accordion. Without a sound he launched himself upon the intruder.