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By the way, has it ever occurred to you gentlemen that one can't be convicted on the testimony of a single accomplice?" He asked it casually, his chair tipped back, smoke wreaths drifting lazily ceilingward. "We've got a little circumstantial evidence to add, Cass." Bucky suggested pleasantly. "Not enough not nearly enough." "That will be for a jury to decide," Cullison chipped in.

We must look among them for Sauverand's accomplice. Another thing: ask the Prefect to give you and me permission to spend the night at Hippolyte Fauville's house." "Nonsense! At the house on the Boulevard Suchet?" "Yes, I have every reason to believe that something's going to happen there." "What sort of thing?" "I don't know. But something is bound to take place. And I insist on being at it.

As it was, in the supposed fight, Mr. Shipman's diamonds passed from the hands of the tramp into those of his accomplice. "Then, later on, Robertson, ill in bed, while his master was supposed to have returned by the way, it never struck anybody that no one saw Mr. Knopf come home, though he surely would have driven up in a cab. Then the double part played by one man for the next two days.

Parliament has already done something in this direction, by declining to be an accomplice in the asphyxiation of school children. It refuses to make any grant to a school in which the cubical contents of the school-room are inadequate to allow of proper respiration.

It had been extinguished after the fleeing fugitive had entered Dorothy's stateroom. Did this mean that the slayer had an accomplice? If so, then the killing was not the result of a mere personal quarrel amidships, or in the forecastle; but the result of some conspiracy. I thought of Sanchez, and of Estada's plan to obtain control of the ship. Could this be its culmination?

"He went to the stable, woke the thief's accomplice, who by this time was really asleep, and told him his companion had been captured. 'If I can find the horse and hide it our friend will be safe, for nothing can be proved on him. "The man was so frightened that he told Tip-Top where he had arranged to meet the thief the next day.

Bates scorned the idea, which Turrif had always held, that Cameron had never really died; he vowed, as before, that the box he had sent in Saul's cart had contained nothing but a dead body; he would hear no description of the old man who, it would seem, had usurped Cameron's name; he repeated stolidly that Saul had put his charge into some shallow grave in the forest, and hoaxed Trenholme, with the help of an accomplice; and he did not scruple to hint that if Trenholme had not been a coward he would have seized the culprit, and so obviated further mystery and after difficulties.

Fettes was thus left alone with his regrets. He saw the miserable peril in which he stood involved. He saw, with inexpressible dismay, that there was no limit to his weakness, and that, from concession to concession, he had fallen from the arbiter of Macfarlane's destiny to his paid and helpless accomplice.

He never for an instant suspected his accomplice of having instigated the assault.

Let me entreat you, for your own sake, to disclose the hiding-place of this man, and to deliver to me his papers, for only by so doing can you escape severe and dreadful punishment." A deeper pallor overspread the pale face of the lady, but recovering herself she said "If I understand thee aright, thou dost seek to make me an accomplice of thy crime."