United States or Hong Kong ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

No one ever had answered the question to the satisfaction of any one else; yet every one who had either head or heart, felt that sooner or later he must make up his mind what answer to accept. Substitute the word America for the word Rome, and the question became personal. Perhaps Henry learned something in Rome, though he never knew it, and never sought it. Rome dwarfs teachers.

When at length we all rose to take leave of our host and return to our respective ships the admiral drew Courtenay and me aside, and said, as he shook hands with us: "Before you decide to accept or to refuse either of the offers which have been made to you to-night come and see me. I shall be on board the flag-ship to-morrow at noon."

Were I to accept your offer of freedom, it would be to attend to a higher call than that of mere self-preservation. My father is in danger my mother in sorrow the voices of religion and nature call me to their side. I am their only child their only hope I will aid them, or perish with them!"

So Jewdwine had explained. And why had not Rankin asked for the explanation sooner? Why had he had to ask for it at all? Still, it was decent of him to admit that he ought not to have required it. He supposed that he must accept Rankin's invitation to dine. Except for his hunger, which made the prospect of dining so unique and great a thing, he had no reason for refusing.

I walk abr-road alone, and I say again to my dear Mrs. Carroll, 'I thank you. It does me pleasure to accept a cup of tea from your hands." He held up his own hand against the sun. "A little worse for the wear, my hand, eh? But still of use." A slight change of position brought into view the field at the foot of the knoll upon whose top they were.

"Throw up," I said, "the engagement you have in Rimini; let us proceed on our journey, and, after remaining a couple of days in Bologna, you will go with me to Venice; dressed as a woman, and with another name, I would challenge the manager here to find you out." "I accept. Your will shall always be my law.

'On the contrary, you behaved very unkindly to me a month ago, and I'm only here to-day because I have a Christian disposition. 'You forget that for the last four weeks I've been laboriously piecing together the fragments of a broken heart, he answered. 'It was entirely your fault, she laughed. 'If you hadn't been so certain I was going to accept you, I should never have refused.

He did not dare to tell them that he would fain marry the girl though she were dying, that he would accept any chance or no chance, if he might only be allowed to hold her in his arms, and tell her that she was all his own.

'Thou hast ascended up on high, and therefore 'Thou hast given gifts to men. We accept the declaration, not knowing all the deep necessity in the divine Nature on which it rests, but believing it, because He in whom we have confidence has declared it to us.

Friends at a distance will please accept this intimation. Robert sprang to his feet. 'Let me see it, father. Now was the twentieth day of the month. 'I wonder she has not written to some of us to Linda even, said he, returning the paper. Then going over beside his mother, he whispered, 'I shall go to her, mother. 'Poor Edith! But what could you do, my son?