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"What!" cried the boy, in an indignant shout, "may I not search through the tents to find a friend without being abused by every scoundrel who loves his gold so much that he thinks every one who looks at him wants to steal it? Let me go, I say!" At the first words of this sentence Bax started up with a look of intense surprise.

"Peers and proceres, chiefs of this Witan, perhaps the largest ever yet assembled in man's memory, it is for you to decide whether I and mine, or the foreign fugitives, caused the dissensions in these realms; whether our banishment was just or not; whether in our return we have abused the power we possessed. Ministers, on those swords by your sides there is not one drop of blood!

You will find in this early period of improvement branches of philosophy even applied to purposes of delusion; the most sublime of the departments of human knowledge astronomy abused by impostors, who from the aspect of the planetary world pretended to predict the fortunes and destinies of individuals.

And it astonished me, to see that one of the seamen, a remarkably robust and good-humored young man from Belfast in Ireland, was a person of no mark or influence among the crew; but on the contrary was hooted at, and trampled upon, and made a butt and laughing-stock; and more than all, was continually being abused and snubbed by Jackson, who seemed to hate him cordially, because of his great strength and fine person, and particularly because of his red cheeks.

Not that I admitted I had anything to do with the matter at all, but I simply refused to listen to charges against an absent man. I paid no attention to them. 'That certainly was reasonable, replied Edith. 'What did he say to it? 'Oh, he abused me, and abused William, and went on at a dreadful rate, until I was obliged to order him out of the office.

We little think of this, yet this is the privilege of them that fear the Lord; yea, if need be, they shall all come down to help them and to deliver them, rather than, contrary to the mind of their God, they should by any be abused "Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?" Answ.

During the first days of his marriage the seneschal imprinted many fibs to tell his wife, whose so estimable innocence he abused.

Eve's piteous cry of "Philip!" at his entry recurred to her the intimate nature of her appeal. The scent was promising; but it opened out vistas of a loyalty too fantastic and generous to be true. Her mature cynicism of a girl of the people, disillusioned and abused, flouted the idea. Did she not know "gentlemen" and the nature of their love?

Liberal journalists lost their tempers the clever ones losing theirs most hopelessly and abused the Orangemen in finely pointed paradoxical epigrams, which I dare say excited the admiration of sentimental Nationalists in Chelsea, but had not the smallest effect of any kind on the people of Belfast.

"I'd like to see Henry Louden try to interfere with 'Gene Bantry. Fanny'd lock the old fool up in the cellar." The lofty vision lurched out of view. "I reckon," said the Colonel, leaning forward to see the last of it "I reckon Henry Louden's about the saddest case of abused step-father I ever saw." "It's his own fault," said Mr. Arp "twice not havin' sense enough not to marry.