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They have been equally opposed, and there is the same necessity why we should contend for both. Among the ordinances of Christ, the preaching of the gospel holds a principal place, and it hath accordingly, in all ages, met with considerable opposition. Like other ordinances, it hath been often grievously abused, and perverted to the most unworthy purposes.

"He tried to murder her and yet she came to see him," he muttered, almost inaudibly. "I dare say he abused her in his day, too." The woman gave him a sharp glance. "You're married, aren't you?" He looked up suddenly, reading the inference in her question. "Yes ... but my wife won't come..." The nurse left the room and he put his face in his hands again. The sun was traveling swiftly.

Yet when a few years afterwards the lady vas married to Lord Rich, who abused her, Sidney loved her, and wrote the sonnets to Stella, which are his best poetry, and which Charles Lamb so affectionately praised.

'I think you have certainly been abused unjustly. 'At the best I expected to be held in prison as a kind of hostage. See how I have been mistaken. I pointed at the sentry who stood in the doorway, for even members of the Government could not visit us alone. Grobelaar flushed. 'Oh, well, we will hope that the captivity will not impair your spirits. Besides, it will not last long.

Ex Mrs Musa, who had been put aside by her husband because she was too fat for her lord's taste, then gave me three men of her private establishment, and abused Musa for being wanting in "brains."

And so, all authors love to be abused as any man can see. In the little matter of the title of this book, we are all Pharisees, whether of the ninety or the ten, and we certainly do live upon an Island. January 1, 1908 A quiet, well-dressed man named Shelton, with a brown face and a short, fair beard, stood by the bookstall at Dover Station.

From the period of his boyhood, when Torrigiano smashed his nose, down to the last years of his life in Rome, when he abused his nephew Lionardo and hurt the feelings of his best and oldest friends, he discovered signs of a highly nervous and fretful temperament.

I have ill-treated that man, and even his death may be laid to my door and I have abused others even to death those whose faces I saw in that deep-down, horrid hole they who welcomed me with such fiendish and exultant shouts," said he, with his head bowed low. There could be no doubt but that he spoke the truth, and this made it seem all the more strange.

Two days ago he would have flared up at the first word, and given the rash speaker something to remember. Now it was his misery to stand by and hear his old chum abused and despised, and to feel that he deserved every word that was spoken of him! If he could only have found one word to say on his behalf!

The cunning Norman knew well the effect this strange parallel would have; and it is indeed inconceivable how damaging his sarcasm proved. A short time afterwards, D'Antin, wishing also to please, but more imprudent, insulted the son of Chamillart so grossly, and abused the father so publicly, that he was obliged afterwards to excuse himself.