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He went into the stable, and abused the groom; into the kitchen, and swore at the maid; and then into the garden.

"My husband gave himself up to drink, lost his situation, and then he got to hating the child, and abusing me for taking it, and embarrassing our scanty means of living. Night and day, I was harassed and abused, despised and neglected. I was discouraged, and gave up in despair. I clung to the child as long as I could.

No man detests and despises scurrility more than myself; nor hath any man more reason; for none hath ever been treated with more; and what is a very severe fate, I have had some of the abusive writings of those very men fathered upon me, who, in other of their works, have abused me themselves with the utmost virulence.

They assured us however that they had refused to do this, as they disbelieved the report of Gonzalves, having often before been abused and deceived by such false and slanderous stories by the Portuguese.

He often invited old team-mates, or pitifully hungry puppies into his quarters, where he would treat them to dog biscuit, dried fish, or a drink of fresh water; but he never abused his privileges, and it was only the worthy or helpless that appealed successfully to his charity. His ample leisure now permitted also the cultivation of certain refined tastes which had been dormant in his busy youth.

Some weeks after Nevil was off again, she abused herself for her half-hearted love of him, and would have given him anything the last word in favour of the Country versus the royal Martyr, for example, had he insisted on it. She gathered, bit by bit, that he had dashed at his big blustering cousin Cecil to vindicate her good name.

"I hope so," said Gideon, "Pat will be pleased." "I shall like to have a son," said Harvey D., frankly wistful. "Other one has the gumption," said Sharon, casting a final rain of cigar ash upon the abused rug at his feet. "The sands of the Whipple family were running out we renew them," said Gideon, cheerily.

Moss, rather sternly, as she went and sat down in her rocking-chair, as if about to open the court. "I haven't done any thing bad, and I ain't afraid, only I don't want to go back; and if I tell, may be you'll let 'em know where I be," said Ben, much distressed between his longing to confide in his new friend and his fear of his old enemies. "If they abused you, of course I wouldn't.

"This confession is very painful for me, Mr. Kent," said Blair, "because things don't seem to have turned out at all as we thought, and I'm afraid we have abused your hospitality barbarously. I can only beg that you will forgive this wild prank, which was actuated by the most innocent motives." "Then do I understand," asked Mr.

It was his hobby, and he prided himself especially upon his character as a man of business. The banquet is certainly the best preparative for the ball, if its blessings be not abused, for then you get heavy.