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Tucker's smile kept her lips until she had returned to her room, and even then languidly shone in her eyes for some minutes after, as she gazed abstractedly from her window on the storm-tossed bay in the distance.

The coal merchant read the Telegraph without stopping, missed the saucer, and, feeling abstractedly, put the cup down on the table-cloth. "Did you ever hear the like of that for impertinence?" Mrs. Parsons wound up, brushing the crumbs from her furs. "Hot milk and scone for one. Pot of tea. Roll and butter," cried the waitresses. The door opened and shut. Such is the life of the elderly.

"Tim said he'd be around to see you late this evening or tomorrow. He's went over to see how Mary and Charley're makin' out, keepin' his eye on 'em like he suspicioned they might kill a lamb once in a while to go with their canned beans." "All right," said Mackenzie, abstractedly. Dad looked at him with something like scorn for his inattention to such an engrossing subject.

"How free," said Agricola, beginning with a meditative gaze at the sky without, and ending with a philosopher's smile upon his two companions, "how free we people are from prejudice against the negro!" "The white people," said Frowenfeld, half abstractedly, half inquiringly. "H-my young friend, when we say, 'we people, we always mean we white people.

Abstractedly considered, Robert might be said to doat upon his son, to entertain respect and awe for the character of his brother Albany, so much more decisive than his own, to fear the Douglas with a terror which was almost instinctive; and to suspect the constancy of the bold but fickle Earl of March.

That is to say, though we must ever aim to do what is best for the present times, yet we must ever bear in mind what is abstractedly best; so that the changes we make may be towards it, and not away from it. By the word absolute as thus applied, Mr. Spencer does not mean to imply a right and wrong existing apart from Humanity and its relations.

And so you think an author looks better in a churchyard, when you see him but as a muffled urn under the moonshine, than standing beneath the gas-lamp in a white hat, and with a red tip to his nose. Abstractedly, you are right. But, with your leave, the author would rather be where he is. Let us walk on." The two men felt an interest in each other, and they walked some yards in silence.

He did not even notice a rather striking and handsome woman, who, surrounded by two or three admirers, yet looked up at Barker as he passed with self-conscious lids as if seeking a return of her glance. But he moved on abstractedly, and only stopped when he suddenly saw the familiar skirt of his wife at a further window, and halted before it. "Oh, it's YOU," said Mrs.

You remember the gentleman in The Spectator, who had a commission of lunacy taken out against him for his extreme singularity, such as never wearing a wig, but a night-cap. Now, Sir, abstractedly, the night-cap was best; but, relatively, the advantage was overbalanced by his making the boys run after him.

"I wish you luck. And say, old man, I 've worried since for fear lest you lost a good opportunity for a hot scent the time I kept you out." "I did. But I picked it up again by chance." "You did? Have you caught the man?" "No," answered Saul abstractedly. "Not yet." He chewed the stub of his cigar a moment, glancing frequently at the house.