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"The man that struck that horse do you know that man?" he asked, all the good nature gone from his voice. "No I don't know I saw him twice, by the lightning flashes. He shot and then I saw him " She stopped abruptly, stood for a minute longer with her eyes covered, then dropped her hands limply to her sides.

It may be observed, that he used the epithet scoundrel very commonly not quite in the sense in which it is generally understood, but as a strong term of disapprobation; as when he abruptly answered Mrs.

You see, I haven't thanked you yet," she said, abruptly. "To know that you are pleased is enough. Besides, I have, on some few occasions, drifted into doing a kind act for the act's sake," he said; adding: "Not often, it's true, but occasionally." "You have made me, oh, so happy, and hopeful as I have never been before in all my life.

Then he turned abruptly away and left the room. It was the first speech of its sort which he had ever made in his life. Tavernake felt that he had indeed wandered into an alien world as he took his place the following evening among the little crowd of people who were waiting outside the stage-door of the Atlas Theatre. These were surroundings to which he was totally unaccustomed.

He put it to her as if she had not grasped the consequences of her act; as if her incorrigible ignorance of business were about to precipitate her into a fresh act of folly. "Altogether yes," she calmly agreed. He sat silent, his thick hands clasped on the table, his little puzzled eyes exploring the recesses of the deserted restaurant. "See here that's fine," he exclaimed abruptly.

Then, sombrero in hand, he bowed again and turning abruptly left her standing there silent in the white moonlight. Not until the shadows of the corral had swallowed him up did she so much as move a muscle. Unto him a half hour later came old 'Rastus with her invitation to dine.

Sutton say the people elected him when he owes everything to you?" Jethro, arose abruptly and flung a piece of wood into the stove, and then he stood with his back to her. Her instinct told her that he was suffering, though she could not fathom the cause, and she rose swiftly and drew him down into the chair beside her. "What is it?" she said anxiously.

"And I said you were a silly old thing; and then " Mrs. Hilary stopped abruptly. "How lovely," remarked little Miss Phyllis in a wistful voice. "And do you remember," pursued Mrs. Hilary, laying down her embroidery and clasping her hands on her knees, "the morning you went to see father?" "What a row there was!" said Hilary. "And what an awful week it was after that!

At the foot of the third the officer turned abruptly to the left, beckoning Raf along. When the Terran remained stubbornly where he was, pointing in the direction which, to him, meant return to the flitter, the other made gestures describing an aircraft in flight. His own probably. Raf sighed. He could see no way out unless he cut and ran.

Sybil Linforth leaned back and abruptly ceased to speak. "Please go on," said Dewes, turning towards her. She hesitated, and then with a touch of reluctance continued: "I succeeded until a month or so ago. But a month or so ago the secrets came. Oh, I know him so well. He is trying to hide that there are any secrets lest his reticence should hurt me.