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The ascent from the river, however, is rarely abrupt; but by a succession of gentle alluvial slopes or bottoms the steep hillsides are approached, as though the waters had gradually subsided from their original glory to a narrow bed at the very bottom of the ancient channel. At this particular place the rise of the first bottom does not exceed an angle of three degrees.

I advanced towards him, and as soon as we met, he exclaimed in an abrupt and angry tone, "So! I find I cannot depend upon you. These women! Josephine! if you had loved me, you would before now have told me all I have heard from Junot he is a real friend Josephine! and I 600 leagues from her you ought to have told me. That she should thus have deceived me! 'Woe to them!

My birth let us suppose that the Beauforts overlook it. Did you not tell me that Mr. Beaufort wrote to inform you of the abrupt and intemperate visit of my brother of his determination never to forgive it? I think I remember something of this years ago."

In the form before me, the lines were short and often abrupt, the curves quick and expressionless; it would do capitally for the "Bacchante," it would not have served for a moment for the "Soul of the Wood." The girl was smiling now, and appeared quite amiable. Most people are when they have got their own way. She asked me if I thought she would do. "Yes, I think you will.

I've been wondering I know that the third party to a squabble is often the most to blame: the one who runs between A and B having a beautiful time telling each of them what the other has said. But I want you to take a big part in vitalizing Gopher Prairie and so Such a very unique opportunity and Am I silly?" "I know what you mean. I was too abrupt at the Jolly Seventeen." "It isn't that.

How well she remembered her coming, the first reflection of yonder gilded dome and the soaring of the capitol; the swelling of her heart, with inarticulate wonder; the pain of the thirst to know and understand. She did not know much now but she had learned how to find things out. She did not understand all, but some things she "Ticket" the tone was harsh and abrupt. Zora started.

Perhaps I have been abrupt, have spoken too soon it is only a few weeks since I saw you first, but it seems as though in those few weeks I had come to know you as if I had known you all my life and " But now she interrupted him, shaking her head in a sad little fashion. "You do not know me," she said. "Sometimes I think I do not know myself. Think!

Hodder, with unconscious fixity, looked into his assistant's honest face. He had an exasperating notion that McCrae might have said more, if he would. "Haven't you a theory?" "Try yourself," said McCrae. His manner was abrupt, yet oddly enough, not ungracious. "Don't think I'm criticizing," said the rector, quickly. "I know well ye're not." "I've been trying to learn.

The promise of a French war had not only drawn heavy subsidies from the Commons, much of which remained in the royal treasury through the abrupt close of the strife, but enabled the king to deal a deadly blow at the liberty which the Commons had won.

There was nothing amiable, nothing prepossessing, nothing soft in this man's face; and those who knew what his life had been could not wonder that the years had failed to sweeten his abrupt and contradictory acerbity or to transmute them into that kindly forbearance which old men, remembering how often they have stumbled and how many they have seen fall, sometimes find pleasure in practising.