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The coach on which I was mounted was just aboot to start, the driver had taen the reins in his hand, an' the guard was strugglin to get up the last trunk, whan the waiter o' the inn in which I had been stoppin, an' which was at the head o' a prodigiously lang close, just at the startin-place, cam rinnin up, an' cried, lookin at the same time at the passengers "Is there a Mr. Smith here?"

He took her in his arms and kissed her, of course as a brother; and then he clambered up, got on his pony, and rode away. "I dinna ken just what to mak' o' him," said Gowran to his wife. "May be he is her coosin; but coosins are nae that sib that a weedow is to be hailed aboot jist ane as though she were ony quean at a fair." From which it may be inferred that Mr.

"Ay; but there compassion comes in to fill up; an' whan ye treat a body wi' generosity, the hert wauks up to be worthy o' 't." "Cosmo, ye ken maist aboot the guid in fowk, an' I ken maist aboot the ill," said Aggie.

I thocht the Coont looked gey like a galo-shan in't, but I maun be the bonny doo mysel'. And I'm no that wee neither, for it's ticht aboot the back." Annapla thought her diminutive admirer adorable; she stood raptly gazing on him, with her dish-clout dripping on the floor. "I wonder if there's no' a note or twa o' the New Bank i' the pouches," said Mungo, and began to search.

The mair I read aboot geniuses the mair clearly I see as their wy o' living alane ower muckle is ane o' the things as breaks doon their health, and makes them meeserable. I' the Home they would hae a bedroom apiece, but the parlour an' the other sittin'-rooms would be for all, so as they could enjoy ane another's company. The management? Oh, that's aisy.

An' the warder upo' the heich tooer declared 'at ever sin' midnicht the prence's menyie, the haill twal o' them, was careerin' aboot the castel, noon' an noon', wi' the een o' their beasts lowin', and their heids oot, an' their manes up, an their tails fleein' ahint them.

"Well, I wouldna be for saying no, and I wouldna be for saying yes, my dearie," replied the brave old fellow; "I'm no complaining aboot mysel', but I'd like to see ye 'saft and warm, as we Scots say, instead of sitting here wi' my auld, greasy head in your lap, and your ain puir body shivering wi' cauld.

We maun bide our time, an' tak her when she's oot aboot," said the General. "But wha's to ken that? an' hoo are we to gather?" asked Cadger, who seemed both of a practical and a despondent turn of mind. "Noo, jist haud yer tongues, an' hearken to me," said Alec. The excited assembly was instantly silent. "The first thing," began Alec, "is to store plenty o' ammunition." "Ay, ay, General."

Moreover, I saved ye from dour lyin' yersel'. Ye mind whan that man that Peter sent here to find Richard came, hoo ye said till him that Richard had never been here? Ye never knew why for that man wanted Richard, but I knew an' I never tell't ye. An' if ye had known what I knew, ye never could ha' tell't him what ye did so roundly an' sent him aboot his business wi' a straight face."

Na, no in London; that's no my plan, but I would hae't within an hour's distance o' London, say five mile frae the market-place, an' standin' in a bit garden, whaur the geniuses could walk aboot arm-in-arm, composin' their minds." "You would have the grounds walled in, I suppose, so that the public could not intrude?"