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And there she was disappearing behind shelves of canisters containing fetal abnormalities and bloated testicles as though sickened by it all and yet returning to him from the toilet nonetheless with a ring braided in strands of her hair.

"Tape worms," so-called by egg candlers, are detached portions of the membrane lining of the egg. "Liver spots" or "meat spots" are detached folds from the walls of the oviduct. Such abnormalities are rare and not worth worrying about. The shells of eggs vary in shape, color and firmness. These variations are more a matter of breed and individual idiosyncrasy than of care or feed.

On the contrary, I received from him, a few days before the paper's removal, a silly and characteristic note: "Since the freak grass has been stopped it seems indicated other abnormalities be terminated also. Your usefulness to this paper, always debatable, is now clearly at an end. As of this moment your putative services will be no longer required.

Passengers looking from trains saw her as a village woman of fading prettiness, incorruptible virtue, and no abnormalities; the baggageman heard her say, "Oh yes, I do think it will be a good example for the children"; and all the while she saw herself running garlanded through the streets of Babylon. Planting led her to botanizing.

Speakin' gen'ral, an' not allowin' for them inflooences which disturbs none I adverts to mescal an' monte, an' sech abnormalities he's passive an' easy; no more harm into him than a jack rabbit. "Of course he has his moods to be merry, an' mebby thar's hours when he's gay to the p'int of over-play. But his heart's as straight as a rifle bar'l every time.

"There are abnormalities, of course." Max waived the words. "I am serious. I ask you if you do not believe that there are certain people to whom these things you speak of are poor things people who believe that they are sufficient unto themselves?" The other's mouth twisted into a sarcastic smile. "Show me the man who is sufficient unto himself!"

If Dostoievsky astounds us by his insight into the abnormalities of "normal" men, he is still more startling when he deals with women.

What he loved and sought was ever the savage, the legend-haunted, the ghoulish, seats and ambuscades of kelpie, hobgoblin, brownie and their kind. From the nursery upwards, if the term can be applied to French children, his life was a succession of artistic abnormalities and tours de force.

Otto Kernberg, a notable scholar of personality disorders, confirmed Lasch's intuition: "Society can make serious psychological abnormalities, which already exist in some percentage of the population, seem to be at least superficially appropriate."

Secondly, with regard to teratology, it is notorious that similar abnormalities are often found to co-exist in both the pelvic and thoracic limbs. M. Isidore Geoffroy St. Hilaire remarks, "L'anomalie se répète d'un membre thoracique au membre abdominal du même côté."