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After ablution, once more this time the white men shared it tobacco, pomegranate syrup, sherbet, water perfumed with mastich-smoke, and thick, black coffee ended the meal. The Master requested khat leaves, which were presently brought him deliciously green and fresh in a copper bowl. Then, while the slave-girls removed all traces of the feast, all relaxed for a few minutes' kayf, or utter peace.

When it was not prudent to adopt this plan, a bucket of water was thrown at the sleeper's head; this produced the idea of having to swim for it. I have often seen the culprit after an ablution of this character strike out on the deck until his hands or his head came in contact with something harder than either, and made consciousness revive.

One day as the Cogia was performing ablution, he found he had not sufficient water. When the hour of prayer came on, he stood like a goose on one foot. 'O Cogia Efendi, said the people, 'why do you do so? 'Because, said the Cogia, 'this foot has not performed ablution. One day a man arriving, became the guest of the Cogia.

At all events, I charged her to pay no regard to dissenters, but to suck that orange thoroughly. And this on the Church and the common people written the year before: The Church aërates my good neighbors and serves them as a somewhat stricter and finer ablution than a clean shirt or a bath or a shampooing.

Three men were on herd, and sending two more with instructions to water the cattle an hour before noon, Tussler and I sought the shade of the wagon and fell asleep. It was some time after midday when, on sighting the expected conveyance approaching our camp, the cook aroused us. Performing a rather hasty ablution, I met the vehicle, freshened, and with my wits on tap.

The coffin is buried in the ground or placed on a crude platform, and, when this work is finished, thorough ablution in water containing leaves which possess qualities especially adapted to this purpose is the rule for everybody concerned.

The exclamation came as he saw us, putting his head round the door, and showing one arm swathed all up in dirty red flannel. He was no sort of a man to look at, as the Scots say, for his head was a mass of dirty yellow hair, and his face did not seem to have known an ablution for a week.

As this operation of the atmosphere upon the surface of granite is so extremely slow as to be altogether unmeasurable to man; and as there are in many places of the earth inexhaustible quantities of this kaolin, notwithstanding a small portion only of the ablution of the rock had been retained upon the surface and deposited by itself, it must appear that much time had been required for amassing those beds of kaolin, and that these operations, which in the age of a continent is nothing, or only as a day, are, with regard to the experience of man, unmeasurable.

I was careful to drink at first with extreme moderation, and then, having satisfied the first sharp craving for a draught, I stripped and plunged in, treating myself to as thorough an ablution as was possible in the absence of my cake of old brown Windsor.

He stood upright for a little while, muttered some words, put out his hand to seize the prince, then fell in two and surrendered his life. There was water close at hand, and the prince made his ablution, and then said: 'O my heart! a wonderful task lies upon you. A second negro came out of the fort, and seeing what had been done, went back and told his chief.