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The official career of General Shirley was drawing to a close. Though a man of good parts, he had always, until recently, acted in a civil capacity, and proved incompetent to conduct military operations. He was recalled to England, and was to be superseded by General Abercrombie, who was coming out with two regiments.

Abercrombie very ingeniously suggests the association of ideas by which the apparition was conjured up with the grotesque adjuncts of the jacket and the whiskers; but the servant-girl, in believing the reality of the apparition, was certainly not insane.

The effect of these losses was disheartening to the French, though before the season's campaign closed Montcalm defeated the English, under General Abercrombie, in an attack on the French post on Lake Champlain, afterward named Ticonderoga. When the year 1759 opened, the English were ready to resume operations with spirit and effect.

"Ah, it's Abercrombie Smith," said Bellingham, glancing up at him. "How very good of you to come in! What a fool I am! Oh, my God, what a fool I am!" He sunk his head on to his hands, and burst into peal after peal of hysterical laughter. "Look here! Drop it!" cried Smith, shaking him roughly by the shoulder. "Your nerves are all in a jangle.

Novelists and Dramatists. Poets. 1837-1900: Philosophers and Scientists. Historians. Rt. Rev. Essayists and Critics. Novelists. Mrs. Rev. Mgr. Mrs. Wilfrid Ward: Great Possessions. Poets. Essayists. Ingleside. Novelists. May Sinclair: The Divine Fire. Poets. Richard Middleton. Lascelles Abercrombie: Interludes. T. Sturge Moore: Aphrodite against Artemis; Poems. Celtic Dramatists.

John, was not a little checked by the disaster which befel the main body of the British forces in America, under the immediate conduct of general Abercrombie, who, as we have already observed, had proposed the reduction of the French forts on the lakes George and Champlain, as the chief objects of his enterprise, with a view to secure the frontier of the British colonies, and open a passage for the future conquest of Canada.

"I'm lookin' for Tom Swift," was the simple reply. "But I take it you're one of his partners in this airship business. I guess he must have told you about me. I'm Abe Abercrombie, the miner, and I've come to show him the way to that valley of gold in Alaska." At the mention of Tom Swift's name, Andy Foger, for it was he, had started to utter a denial.

Time passed, but she remained so motionless that but for her wide-open eyes you would have thought her asleep or dead. No one intruded upon her during the brief afternoon; and when darkness shut in, she was still sitting where she had dropped down nerveless from mental pain. After it grew dark Mrs. Abercrombie arose, lighted the gas and drew the window curtains.

"Had we done so, and had all that has happened been foretold, do you suppose it would have made any change in the result?" "Perhaps not, since we should have been the persons to relate what we had heard. But, Abercrombie, himself, need have had no scruples about visiting that remarkable old woman.

Darkness had already fallen as he drew up before the neat little house with its twin front doors. He rang the bell of the one to the right and when the tall pleasant-faced woman appeared in answer to his summons, he asked without hesitation for Miss Abercrombie. The woman eyed him somewhat doubtfully, but ushered him into a tiny immaculate parlor. "Please, tell her it is Mr. Winthrop North.