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"Let's see," said a soft gold-coloured Arab, who had been playing very badly the day before, to The Maltese Cat; "didn't we meet in Abdul Rahman's stable in Bombay, four seasons ago? I won the Paikpattan Cup next season, you may remember?" "Not me," said The Maltese Cat, politely. "I was at Malta then, pulling a vegetable-cart. I don't race. I play the game."

"Write quickly, lest we be discovered." And Feversham wrote; but though he wrote as Abdul suggested, the futility of his writing was as clear to him as to Trench. "There is the letter," he said, and he handed it to Abdul, and, taking Trench by the arm, walked without another word away. They passed out of the alley and came again to the great mud wall. It was sunset.

Presently, however, she was forced to attend to him, for he asked her a direct question. "To-day they sell jewels by auction near the Mosquée Djama-ez-Zitouna," he said. "Would the gracious Princess like to see the market of the jewels?" The Princess put her hand to her eyes and assented in a low voice. Abdul turned out of the sunshine into a narrow alley covered with a wooden roof.

I have a friendship with one Abdul Jemaalee and his wife Betsy, a couple of old folks who were slaves to Dutch owners, and now keep a fruit-shop of a rough sort, with 'Betsy, fruiterer, painted on the back of an old tin tray, and hung up by the door of the house. Abdul first bought himself, and then his wife Betsy, whose 'missus' generously threw in her bed- ridden mother.

The Princess, therefore, ordered a guide and set forth to the bazaars. The guide's name was Abdul. He was a talkative young Eastern, and as he turned with the Princess into the network of tiny alleys that spreads from the Bab-el-bahar to the bazaars, he poured forth a flood of information about the marvels of his native city. The Princess listened idly. That morning she was cruelly pre-occupied.

Bidding him remain with the two horses, I went back on foot to the castle, where I stayed only the time necessary to pay my respects. As I was returning towards the valley, a litter borne between two mules was leaving the meydân. Beside it walked the stern Sheykh Mustafa, and in it, I had little doubt, reclined the beautiful Abdul Hamid.

But Abdul Achmet was an honest fanatic, and neither intended to insinuate this nor thought it. On the whole, Harry much preferred to hear his black nurse Fatima talk.

All the balance of the day Abdul caught glimpses of the horsemen in their rear. They remained always at about the same distance. During the occasional halts for rest, and at the longer halt at noon, they approached no closer. "They are waiting for darkness," said Kadour ben Saden. And darkness came before they reached Bou Saada.

"I go out on horseback," she said. "I have not ridden since I left home." The man's reply, whatever it might have been, was interrupted by Abdul, who, all smiles, stood before them, with the white pigeon in the left hand and the shahin upon his right fist.

Then they came and stood round Abdul with their jaws dripping with blood. "'Oh, wolves, said he, trembling with fear and anger, 'ye are traitors! Ye are forsworn! Ye are faithless ones! "But they answered him, 'Oh, Abdul, shall he who knows not false from true judge treason? and forthwith they slew him and devoured him, and went about their business.