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"There isn't one in the house," said Maryllia, smiling; "Abbot's Manor has always lived about a hundred and fifty years behind the times. But I've sent for a boudoir grand it will be here this week. Meanwhile, won't this do?" and she pointed to a quaint little instrument occupying a recess near the window "It's a spinet of Charles the Second's period "

Both met here together on the anniversary of the abbot's execution some forty years after its occurrence, it is true, and when they were both pretty well stricken in years and within that year, namely 1578, both died, and were buried in the vault on the opposite side of the church, not many paces from their old enemy.

As you see, there is time for meditation and work in the intervals between the canonical hours and meals." "And the oblates?" "What oblates? I saw none at Solesmes." "Indeed then if there are any, do they lead the same life as the Fathers?" "Evidently; excepting, perhaps, some dispensations depending on the Abbot's favour.

He told me that all the carriages in the neighbourhood were uncovered. I said they would do, as there was nothing better to be had, and he informed me I could trust the servant he would provide me with. Next morning I took the abbot's letters.

He was unable to find any place in which he was willing to live, so he caused a small cabin to be erected just opposite Mr. Abbot's dwelling, furnished it simply but comfortably from the nearest supply station, and with Mr. Abbot's permission, contracted with Chi Lu to keep his table supplied with all needful provisions.

One must not expect the motto of 'noblesse oblige' to weigh with modern young women more's the pity! I'm afraid the mistress of Abbot's Manor will be a disturbing element in the village, breeding discontent and trouble where there has been till now comparative peace, and a fortunate simplicity of life. I'm sorry! This would have been a perfect First of May but Ha-ha-ha-ha!"

Thus Whalley Abbey was supposed to be haunted, and few liked to wander through its deserted cloisters, or ruined church, after dark. The abbot's tragical end was thus recorded: Johannes Paslew: Capitali Effectus Supplicio. 12º Mensis Martii, 1537.

Yet more indignant he would have been, had he suspected that Father Eustace's ambition was fixed upon his own mitre, which, from some attacks of an apoplectic nature, deemed by the Abbot's friends to be more serious than by himself, it was supposed might be shortly vacant.

Because they live in the open air, and take plenty of exercise; while children are frequently cooped up in close rooms, and are not allowed the free use of their limbs. On this subject I cannot do better than refer you to an excellent little work entitled Abbot's Mother of Home, wherein the author proves the great importance of early training.

He disguised himself as an abbot, and with five knights habited as monks, and a man leading sumpter-horses, rode into the greenwood. A wealthy abbot's baggage, and his ransom, would be just the bait most tempting to Robin and his men. The king, as he had expected, was seized by them, and led away to their lodge in the forest.