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When this act was accomplished, Boos threw himself heavily into his chair, and addressing the master of the ceremonies, said with a humorous twinkle in his eye: "Did the courier not leave the other boot too? I might possibly win a second bet, and thus acquire the village of Roxheim into the bargain." The count looked much abashed, but the noble guests only laughed heartily at the joke.

Most of the prisoners walked with downcast eyes and sad faces, but Caradoc marched along with so proud a bearing that the spectators wondered at the courage shown by this savage chief. He did not seem to feel the dust and glare, or to be abashed by the hard, unfeeling gaze of the thousands of people who had come out to stare at him.

If I married her I should soon be the first man in Luscombe, and Luscombe, as you are no doubt aware, returns two members to Parliament; who knows, but that some day the farrier's son might be " Tom stopped abruptly, abashed at the aspiring thought which, while speaking, had deepened his hardy colour and flashed from his honest eyes.

Her voice was as cold and remote as if she were a spirit. Abel Newt was evidently abashed by the reception. But he moved toward her, and began in a tone of doubtful familiarity. "Miss Hope, I " "Mr. Newt, you have no right to address me in that way." "Miss Wayne, I have come to to " He stopped, embarrassed, rubbing his fingers upon the palms of his hands. She looked at him steadily.

She arrested her mind continually and bade herself remember the days of her gay bridal, or else those two lonely graves far beyond the western sea; and then, ere she was aware, her memories of the past had become speculations about the future. And she was abashed by this arid, incurable egotism in the most secret place of her soul.

Lottie now turned to speak to Miss Martell, and evil-eyed Brently, her partner, had also been standing near, waiting till Harcourt should cease to occupy her attention so closely. The young lady was polite, but not cordial, to Lottie; she did not vouchsafe a glance to Brently. But he was not easily abashed. "Miss Martell," he said suavely, "will you honor me for the next waltz?"

Miss Turnbull was abashed and agitated she hurried out of the room to conceal her confusion, stepped into a carriage with a coronet, drove away, and endeavoured to forget all that had passed. The concert in the evening recalled her usual train of ideas, and she persuaded herself that she had done all, and more than was necessary, in offering to introduce Ellen to Lady Bradstone.

In the midst of this Mrs Jones came in; but the widow was not a whit abashed by the presence of the stranger. "Peace be to his manes!" she said at last, as she carefully folded up a huge black crape mantilla. She made, however, but one syllable of the classical word, and Mrs Jones thought that her lodger had addressed herself to the mortal "remains" of her deceased lord.

Fall back, and leave the guest of your capital to those who are compelled to judge him." The caballeros shrank back, sullen but abashed. He had touched the quick of their pride. "Never mind!" cried the friar. "You cannot protect him from that. Listen!" Had the bay risen about the Custom-house? "What is that?" demanded Castro, sharply.

"Mind you take every care of him, for the porter is a right good fellow." "Why, sir, I didn't do nothing to speak of, sir," said Jupp, quite abashed at being made so much of. "The young gen'leman commed to me, and in course, seeing as how he were such a little chap and all alone out in the cold, I couldn't do nothing else." "Never mind that; I'm very much obliged to you, and so are all of us.