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While Denisov was talking to the esaul, Petya abashed by Denisov's cold tone and supposing that it was due to the condition of his trousers furtively tried to pull them down under his greatcoat so that no one should notice it, while maintaining as martial an air as possible.

"Pardon me," he prompted, "but I'm afraid I failed to catch what you said." "I said 'no," declared Flamby untruthfully, and silently blessed the dusk which veiled her flaming cheeks. Paul Mario abashed her. She delighted to be with him, and, with him, longed to run away.

He hung his head, abashed, suffering, with eyes shut, lips trembling; and her heart felt again that quiver of compassion. She murmured: "I don't know. I will tell you later later in England." He bowed, folding his arms, as if to make her feel safe from him.

"Mamma! Mamma!" he cried, springing forward in a passion of tears. The lady, who was young, pale and handsome, pushed back her chair with a warning hand. "Child," she exclaimed, "your shoes are covered with mud; and, good heavens, how you smell of the stable! Abate, is it thus you teach your pupil to approach me?" "Madam, I am abashed by the cavaliere's temerity.

I said in a low voice: "You ended everything for Dolly Glenn." "How was I to know she was no light o' love this camp tailoress this silly little wench who but let it go! Had she but whimpered, and seemed abashed and unfamiliar with a kiss Well, let it go.... But I could cut my tongue out that I ever spoke to her. God!

This handsome, stalwart young man, who had hitherto been considered full of a gay audacity where womenfolk were concerned, able to make almost any pretty girl flutter at his smile, was strangely abashed before this beautiful Madelon Hautville, stained, in his eyes, with crime.

They looked very humble and abashed. I was, however, a bit uncertain as to whether this was intended as a genuine tribute to Billy, or was meant to console us for having only one to his four. It was pretty well done. Again we stopped about the middle of the afternoon in an opening on the rounded top of a hill.

From time to time Miss Milray broke from the talk to kiss the little girl, whom she declared to be Clementina all over again, and then returned to her better behavior with an effect of shame for her want of self-control, as if Clementina's mood had abashed her.

She showed plenty of good sense whilst the details of the journey were being arranged, and was in no wise abashed at the prospect of appearing at a Court. How should she be, indeed, who was looking forward with impatience to her appearance at the Court of an uncrowned King?

Richards began, bowing politely to Adah, who had not yet dared to look up, and who when at last she did raise her eyes, withdrew them at once, more abashed, more frightened, more bewildered than ever, for the face she saw fully warranted her ideas of a woman who could turn a waiting maid from her door just because she was a waiting maid.