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Well, perhaps not cowed, but taken aback. It was the long words and the awful politeness that did it. She wasn't used to beautiful long words like that, except on Sundays when the clergyman read the prayers in church, and she wasn't used to politeness. That so much of it should come out of objects so young rendered Amanda temporarily dumb. She wavered with the door.

"I will tiss Dimmy! and I tored up my hat 'tause a pin picked me," shouted Pokey, regardless of Jamie's efforts to restrain her. Captain Dove looked rather taken aback at this outbreak in the ranks; but, being a dignified and calm personage, he quelled the rising rebellion with great tact and skill, by saying, briefly,

The doctor, in jest, offered to kiss the young girl, and was taken a little aback when she said he might for a franc! The commonest gallantry compelled him to stand by his offer, and so he paid the franc and took the kiss. She was a philosopher. She said a franc was a good thing to have, and she did not care any thing for one paltry kiss, because she had a million left.

Just look at that main-taw-sail, sir; one of the sheets isn't home by a fathom, while the yard is braced in, till it's almost aback!" The governor walked the deck for five minutes in intense thought, though occasionally he stopped to look at the brig, now within a league of them. Then he suddenly called out to Bob, to "see all clear for action, and to get everything ready to go to quarters."

Now a new light was suddenly thrown on his character there was something in his look, his manner, his very tone of voice, which proved to Errington that there was a deep and forcible side to his nature of which his closest friends had never dreamed and he was somewhat taken aback by the discovery. Seeing that he still hesitated, Winsleigh laid a hand encouragingly on his shoulder and said

Marcia laid a hand on her brother's arm. "Coryston I was coming to speak to mother. I have broken off my engagement." "Thank the Lord!" cried Coryston, taken wholly aback. "Thank the Lord!" He would have kissed her in his relief and enthusiasm. But Marcia stepped back from him. Her pale face showed a passionate resentment. "Don't speak about him, Corry! Don't say another word about him.

This appeared to be a hit. Kamrasi, evidently taken aback, said, if he thought he should have offended us by begging, he would not have begged. He was not a poor man, for he had many cows, but he was a beggar, of course, when beads were in the question; and, having unwittingly offended, as he desired our friendship, he trusted his offence would be forgiven.

"Do you dislike it, Sir Gervaise? Now to our fancies aboard here, it gives the Achilles a knowing look, and we hope to set a fashion. By carrying the head-sails well forward, we help the ship round in a sea, you know, sir." "Indeed, I know no such thing, my lord. What you gain after being taken aback, you lose in coming to the wind.

Of course, I took their parts; and I said to Maitland " "Yes, what did you say to Maitland, Mr Howlett?" said the captain, who had returned unobserved. Bob's jaw dropped. He was as a rule ready enough, but he was so completely taken aback that he was now speechless. "Ah," said the captain, "your memory is so short that you cannot recollect. But try and bear this in mind, Mr Howlett.

For once Ralph was thoroughly taken aback, and blushed richly and long. Kezia laughed as one who enjoyed his discomfiture. "I knew it would come," she said. "Is she a milkmaid? She's not the minister's daughter, for he is a bachelor, you said!" Jemima and Keren-happuch actually looked a little relieved, though a good deal excited.