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All alone, Robert, all alone; there's going to be a complaint of the school-board, that's what there's going to be, and you'll have to look out for your own interests. You must talk to Abbott. Him a-standing on that bridge " "He ain't stood there as often as I've been worried to death a-hearing of it," growled the ungrateful Bob, who was immensely fond of Abbott.

He went up to her and clutched her by the arm. "Then what are you a-standing there for, like a figure in stone? Can't you out with it, and ease my mind? Out with it, I tell you! Do you want to drive me out of my senses?" He was so much excited that he shook her in the hot paroxysm of returning rage. Phoebe was not frightened, but indignation made her pale.

When Judy and Betty wanted to begin to fix things she understood without a word, led the Deacon out into the hall and are just a-standing there a-keeping him up in his daze by the courage in her own loving little heart. The good Lord bless and keep the child! Now, go on, Tom, and see what you can do! Yes, Cindy will run right over and tell Mis' Peavey.

And a nice business he made of it; when he got close out to the dog down he went hisself, and would have been drowned as sure as fate if a young gent as was a-standing there hadn't swam out and brought him in. And I think you ought to speak to him, John, for such venturesome ways; he don't mind my speaking no more than the wind a-blowing."

"Because you were lonesome, and there is nothink so lonesome as a jack-snipe. Leastwise, that's wot she says. She asked me if I'd ever seen a jack-snipe on a wet, dreary day, a-standing on a sandbar, all alone like and forlorn. She said she always felt so sorry for the poor little cuss no, she didn't say cuss either. What was it she said, Casey? You was there."

It's above us. May be you are fated to be chose by our great prophet hisself. Any how, it's something at the top of the tree." "When shall I be sent for, sir?" eagerly asked Mrs. Peckaby. "That ain't revealed neither. It may be next week it mayn't be for a year; you must always be on the look-out. One of these days or nights, you'll see a white donkey a-standing at your door.

Baldwin, the tax-gatherer, comes in, a-standing where you sit, and says, 'Bulstrode got all his money as he brought into this town by thieving and swindling, I said, 'You don't make me no wiser, Mr.

"Why, luke at this 'ere town," continued he of the sieve, "the grass be a-growing in the very streets; that can't be no gude. Why, luke 'ee here, zur; I do be a-standing at this 'ere gateway, just this way, hour arter hour, and my heyes is hopen mostly; I zees who's a-coming and who's a-going. Nobody's a-coming and nobody's a-going; that can't be no gude.

McLean. She put her hand on her breast, and she keeps lookin' at me without never speaking. 'Maybe I am not so welcome now, I says. 'One minute, says she. 'Let me get used to it. And she sat down. "Lin, she is a square-lookin' girl. I'll say that for her. "I never thought to sit down onced myself; I don't know why, but I kep' a-standing, and I took in that room of hers.

And now she are just a-standing by him waiting for the bell to toll for the funeral. The Deacon have surely followed his Master in the suffering of little children to draw close to him in this life and now he are becoming as one of 'em before entering the Kingdom." "This soft, misty, sun-veiled day seems just made for Mrs. Bostick," said Miss Wingate with unshed tears in her voice.