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"Yes, sir; you'll find him there, sir, and frisky as a spring lamb without the peas, bless his heart! Been to the weddin' of Lady Chepstow and that there Captain Hawksley this afternoon, sir, and must have enjoyed hisself, the way he's been a-whistling and a-singing ever since he come home. What a feed they must of had with all their money! It seems almost a crime to 'a' missed it.

Smith, still gazing musingly before him, appeared not to hear the question. "Nice after the rain, ain't it?" he said, slowly. "It's all right," said the other, shortly. "Everything smells so fresh and sweet," continued his nature-loving friend; "all the little dickey-birds was a-singing as if their little 'arts would break as I come along." "I don't wonder at it," said the offended Mr. Kybird.

Smith, still gazing musingly before him, appeared not to hear the question. "Nice after the rain, ain't it?" he said, slowly. "It's all right," said the other, shortly. "Everything smells so fresh and sweet," continued his nature-loving friend; "all the little dickey-birds was a-singing as if their little 'arts would break as I come along." "I don't wonder at it," said the offended Mr. Kybird.

And some, like sour spectators at the play, receive the music into their hearts with an unmoved countenance, and walk like strangers through the general rejoicing. But let him feign never so carefully, there is not a man but has his pulses shaken when Pan trolls out a stave of ecstasy and sets the world a-singing.

The innate love of harmony and beauty that set the ruder souls of his people a-dancing and a-singing raised but confusion and doubt in the soul of the black artist; for the beauty revealed to him was the soul-beauty of a race which his larger audience despised, and he could not articulate the message of another people.

Here is the devil the sea hath more mercy go back whiles ye may! And now she checked all at once and falls a-shivering, for a voice reached us, a man's voice a-singing fair to hear, and the song he sang was this, 'Hey cheerly O and cheerly O And cheerly come sing O! While at the mainyard to and fro

Lord, what should I mean, but that there book on Ettyket, as I sold you that priceless wollum as I give you for five bob, months ago, when the larks was a-singing so inspiring." "Yes, it was a lovely morning, I remember."

"Nay, but," says Mings, pointing. "See who comes yonder?" And now we saw Joanna, a dark figure against the splendour of the moon, walking daintily, as was her wont, and as she came she falls a-singing that same evil song I had heard long ago: "There's a fine Spanish dame And Joanna's her name Shall follow wherever ye go Till your black heart shall feel Your own cursed steel "

There's the poor woman that's lost, say, and wandering in the dark, but with her tired eyes lifted up to the kindly stars; so she struggles on awhile, but by an' by come storm clouds an' one by one the stars go out till only one remains, a little twinkling light that is for her the very light of Hope itself an' presently that winks an' goes, an' with it goes Hope as well, an' she poor helpless, weary soul comes a-creeping into some quiet place like this, an' presently only her poor, bruised body lies here, for the soul of her flies away up an' up a-singing an' a-carolling back to the stars!"

"Because the coppice is so dark and lonely, and if I say, if I should take it into my head to come and meet you sometimes, there would be no chance of my missing you." And so she looked at me and smiled, and, going back to her cooking, fell once more a-singing, the while I sat and watched her beneath my brows.