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Their faces were pallid, their eyes bloodshot, their flesh a-quiver. Occasionally one or another of them would go to the door to listen for sounds in the black passage beyond. He would resume his seat without a word to his fellows, each of whom looked up with stark, questioning eyes. Then they would fall to staring at the walls again, or at the floor, their chins in their hands.

In drawing away from the flying sparks, Joyce placed her stool nearer Gaston, and the pretty bent head came within easy distance of the hand lying inert on the chair arm. "Jude gets awfully sleepy in the heat," Joyce whispered; "you don't mind?" "No, why should I? But I ought to be going. You are tired, too?" "No." The sudden upward glance was all a-quiver with alertness.

I must send him an invitation to join me on my first expedition. He really deserves some reward for his devotion." I had a vision of them as they would look. Vere stretched at full length, flat on her back, on that horrid-looking chair, and Mr Carstairs towering above her, with his face a-quiver with grief and pity, as I had seen it several times during the last week.

Spud drove the ship up another five thousand feet, and still that darkness spread out in inky pools where only an occasional mountain peak caught the flat rays of the sun. And what had Chet called these dark areas? "Lake of Dreams" and "Lake of Death." Spud's superstitious mind was a-quiver with dread and an ominous premonition to which the empty, frozen wastes below him gave added force.

"No," I said between my teeth, and turned to leave her. And, I think, it was something in my face that made her whisper low and hurriedly: "Waiontha Spring! If you needs must see me for a moment more, come there!" I scarcely heard, so tight emotion had me by the throat, and walked on blindly, all a-quiver.

David was right sure of that. There was such mystery, such an unwonted sense of unreality a-quiver in this silence, that he wanted, very much, to learn what it was all about. Then, ever and ever so cautiously, he slipped down off the bed. His dimpled toes went patting daintily across the polished floor, and presently he had stolen forth upon a great adventure.

Poor Reggie lived other people's lives, his soul perpetually a-quiver with other people's excitements, with gossip, preparations for tea-parties, praise of tea-parties past. And always the soul was pushing; calculating, measuring opportunities, making up in tact and elegance for distressing lack of money.

Too late she remembered her instructions. "'Fore de Lawd!" she cried in consternation, "ef I ain't done fergit dat pan ag'in!" Sandy, left alone in the dining-room, was listening with every nerve a-quiver for the sound of Ruth's voice. The thought that she was here under the same roof with him sent the blood bounding through his veins.

I was trembling under her touch trembling, my every nerve a-quiver and my breath shortened and suddenly there flashed through my mind a line of Dante's in the story of Paolo and Francesca: "Quel giorno piu non vi leggemo avanti." Giuliana's words: "Let us read no more to-day" had seemed an echo of that line, and the echo made me of a sudden conscious of an unsuspected parallel.

"A Cabinet Secret?" she said. "Yes. At this moment every newspaper office is in a fever to-morrow all England will be ringing with the news. It is a thunderbolt." She started up, snatching her hand away, every nerve a-quiver with excitement. "And you kept this from me all through dinner?" "I hadn't a chance, darling I came straight from the scrimmage."