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"And now just you look here, moke," he continued, addressing the mule he was helping to load one which kept on laying down its ears and showing its teeth as if it meant to bite "here am I a-doing all I can to make your load easy and comfortable for your ugly back, and you're saying you're a-going to bite. Am I to kick you in the ribs? 'Cause if you're not quiet I just will."

I'm low down; and I'm a-going to steal him, and I want you keep mum and not let on. Will you?" His eye lit up, and he says: "I'll HELP you steal him!" Well, I let go all holts then, like I was shot. It was the most astonishing speech I ever heard and I'm bound to say Tom Sawyer fell considerable in my estimation. Only I couldn't believe it. Tom Sawyer a NIGGER-STEALER! "Oh, shucks!"

The man was a stranger in the city. He knew nothing about the bishop cared nothing about him. He was there to run that car, and he meant to do it or die in the attempt, so when the crowd shouted, "The bishop! The bishop!" he yelled in reply, "Get out of the way then if you don't want him hurt. This car's a-going through, bishop or no bishop!" The car was already in motion.

"Look yere, lad," said Anton, more slowly and in a kinder tone, "you think it hall well hover; one o' they three plans you must stick to. Now I'm a-going away, but I'll be back yere to-morrow morning at four o'clock fur my hanswer. You ha' it ready fur me then." So saying Anton rose from the grass, and when Joe raised his face his enemy was gone.

When she had got the cloth pretty nearly covered she pulled a handle pretty near her, and that, in some mysterious way or other, set the machinery a-going. The cloth, with all the wool upon it, began to move towards the great rollers of the machine.

One who follows them then has it borne in upon him continually that life is a struggle, a keen, hard, hunger-driven struggle to find enough to keep a-going and sleep warm till the tardy sun comes north again with his rich living.

Gentlemen all: whenst we find where this here creek comes out into daylight again we're a-going to find the hoss-captain and the whole enduring passel o' redskins and redcoats, immejitly, if not sooner!" What comment this startling announcement would have evoked I know not, for at the moment of its utterance the Catawba went flat upon the ground, making most urgent signs for us to do likewise.

When anybody shoots at me it's my fight, all right," replied Barr, seating himself on the floor behind the breastwork. "I forgot all about Lacey," he apologized. At that instant a tomato can went spang! and fell off the shelf. "An' it's too late, anyhow; they ain't a-going to let nobody else get away on that side." "An' they're tuning up again, too," Johnny replied, preparing for trouble.

There's many a showy life just now as looks well enough outside; but if you want a life as'll wear well you must fashion it by God's Word. "Now, afore I sits down, I'm just a-going to tell you about Dick Trundle's house-warming. Dick were one of them chaps as are always for making a bit of a show, and making it cost as little as possible.

Come to-morrow night I'm a-going to pull the front door to for the last time on all of us and early next morning Tom Crabtree's a-going to take the letter and deed down to Gid in his office in the city for me. Don't nobody have to foreclose on me; I hand back my debt dollar for dollar outen my own pocket without no duns.