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Of such individual afflictions the larger part were medical. The women, even the most robust, would rarely confess to the enjoyment of anything so uninteresting as a condition of rude health. One of them told my mother that for days she'd been terrible bad. "My inside," she said, "be always a-coming up, though I've swallowed a pint of shot by this time merely to keep my liver down."

"D'yer remember 'er dancing?" "I have seen her flinging her petticoats about outside the shop, when the copper wasn't by, if that's what you mean," I says. "That's what I mean," he answers. "That's all the rage now, 'skirt-dancing' they calls it. She's a-coming out at the Oxford to-morrow. It's 'er I'm waiting for. She's a-coming on, I tell you she is," he says.

One nervous old lady, at whose feet we descended somewhat suddenly, did threaten to call the police saying rather angrily that "What with motor-cars and such-like," she "didn't know what we were a-coming to, and it wasn't safe for a respectable lady to walk about the streets, what with one thing and another."

When I'm in Parlyment, and riding in my coach, I don't want none of these sea-lawyers in the cabin a-coming home, unlooked for, like the devil at prayers. Wait is what I say; but when the time comes, why let her rip!" "John," cried the coxswain, "you're a man!" "You'll say so, Israel, when you see," said Silver. "Only one thing I claim I claim Trelawney.

'I've heard the woodmen say, now that you tell o't, that they meet her every now and then, just at the closing in of the day, as they come home along with their nitches of sticks; ay, stalking about under the trees by herself a tall black martel, so long-legged and awful-like that you'd think 'twas the old feller himself a-coming, they say.

No, sir; if this 'ere ain't a trap well, may I never! There's cook's cousin at the back door now. He's a keeper, sir, and used to dealing with vicious characters. And he's got his gun, sir." "Hullo there!" shouted Cyril from the church-tower; "come up and let us out." "We're a-coming," said Andrew. "I'm a-going to get a policeman and a gun."

"Yes'm, Mother Mayberry," answered Eliza with a flash of pure joy shining in her devoted little face when she found that she was not to be supplanted in her attendance on her charges. "I was a-coming to see you this morning anyway about the place Mr. Mosbey burned his finger and I tied up last night. Please come on, Deacon!"

We now we allowed we'd ought to take care of it fer you. And we done so, that's all." "Huh!" said Sim Gage. "Fine business, ain't it?" "Well, she's a-coming on out," said Wid Gardner, suddenly and comprehensively. "What's that? Who's a-coming on out?" The face of Sim Gage went pale even under the cold water to which at the moment he was treating his leathery skin in the basin on top the stove.

"Your walise, sir? we'm a-coming to that;" and here, once more, Mottle-face slowly winked his owl-like eye at Barnabas.

"Would you mind, sir, this man a-coming to look at the clock, sir?" she said, recovering from the momentary shock. "Look at the clock?" he said, staring round in a drowsy manner, and speaking over his hand, and then, getting more fully awake, "certainly." Mrs. Hall went away to get a lamp, and he rose and stretched himself. Then came the light, and Mr.