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Then the other one went to swelling around and blowing again the first one the one they called Bob; next, the Child of Calamity chipped in again, bigger than ever; then they both got at it at the same time, swelling round and round each other and punching their fists most into each other's faces, and whooping and jawing like Injuns; then Bob called the Child names, and the Child called him names back again: next, Bob called him a heap rougher names and the Child come back at him with the very worst kind of language; next, Bob knocked the Child's hat off, and the Child picked it up and kicked Bob's ribbony hat about six foot; Bob went and got it and said never mind, this warn't going to be the last of this thing, because he was a man that never forgot and never forgive, and so the Child better look out, for there was a time a-coming, just as sure as he was a living man, that he would have to answer to him with the best blood in his body.

Poyser to stand there quite pleasantly and see what was going on in the yard, the grey worsted stocking making a steady progress in her hands all the while. But she had not been standing there more than five minutes before she came in again, and said to Dinah, in rather a flurried, awe-stricken tone, "If there isn't Captain Donnithorne and Mr. Irwine a-coming into the yard!

'There's the old tailor, Mark! whispered Martin. 'There he goes, sir! A little bandier than he was, I think, sir, ain't he? His figure's so far altered, as it seems to me, that you might wheel a rather larger barrow between his legs as he walks, than you could have done conveniently when we know'd him. There's Sam a-coming out, sir. 'Ah, to be sure! cried Martin; 'Sam, the hostler.

He lays those snips and that dirt out on the table and leans over them on his elbows, and puts them together side by side and studies them mumbles to himself, 'Female'; changes them around mumbles, 'Six years old'; changes them this way and that again mumbles: 'Five teeth one a-coming Catholic yarn cotton kip damn that kip. Then he straightens up and gazes toward heaven, and plows his hands through his hair plows and plows, muttering, 'Damn that kip! Then he stands up and frowns, and begins to tally off his clues on his fingers and gets stuck at the ring-finger.

I was taken away and put to bed somehow, and never woke until the next day, to a roaring headache, and to see my servant, who said the Honorable Deuceace wanted to see me, and was waiting in the sitting-room. 'How are you, colonel? says he, a-coming into my bedroom. 'How long did you stay last night after I went away?

She's a-coming, fellows, gold from the grass roots down, a hundred dollars to the pan, and a stampede in from the Outside fifty thousand strong. You-all'll think all hell's busted loose when that strike is made." He raised his glass to his lips. "Here's kindness, and hoping you-all will be in on it." He drank and stepped down from the chair, falling into another one of Bettles' bear-hugs.

The roc they had spoken of was not long a-coming; he fell down upon me, took me up between his talons like a sheep, and carried me to the top of the mountain. When I found myself upon the ground, I made use of the knife, cut the skin, and throwing it off, the roc at the first sight of me flew away.

Ah, the night was long; but a bit before dawn the boy grew quiet, and as the light come in I heard our men was a-coming back, and runned out to see Jan. And there was Jan's company a-standing in line and the sarjint calling the roll.

This youth was bold, though small, and with several lively expressions of displeasure, turned upon him instantly. 'Now, STOO-PID! cried the young gentleman. 'Can't you look where you're a-going to eh? Can't you mind where you're a-coming to eh? What do you think your eyes was made for eh? Ah! Yes. Oh! Now then!

Everything seemed to go wrong. The butter was twice as long a-coming as ever I knowed it, and the broad beans got black fly, and father lost half his hay with the weather. If it had been me that had done something unkind, father would have said it was a Providence on me.