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Then what joy to see delight dance in his brave young eyes upon that volume's emergence from some innocent concealment a gift from his father! Thus far, John did not know his a-b-c's. But education is older than alphabets, and for three years now he had been his father's constant, almost confidential companion.

The infant industries, growing out of the needs of war and the desire of self-sufficiency, are resting on the foundations of the new creed. "Speed up!" is the industrial cry, and with it goes a whole new scheme of national industrial education. The British youth will be taught a trade almost with his A-B-C's. Formerly in England the standardisation of plan and product was almost unknown.

Experience is the dearest teacher in the world. Most of us spend our lives in the A-B-C's of getting started. We matriculate in the cradle. We never graduate. When we stop learning we are due for another bump. There are two kinds of people wise people and fools. The fools are the people who think they have graduated. The playground is all of God's universe.

Preachah Stone said last time he preached fur us thet we sartainly air progressin', an' I'm glad on it, too, though I never hed edvantiges myse'f. When I wuz a little gal down in Car'liny, I went to school long 'nough to l'arn my a-b-c's. Then the redskins broke up the school, an' we didn't hev no more tell I wuz a big gal an' 'shamed to go an' l'arn my a-b abs 'long with the little shavers.

And them weeks that follered at the doctor's house, too, they seem like a love-lie dream the delicate victuals that fairly melted down my throat before these here fine store teeth could clutch 'em, the kindness of him and his woman, and of his little gal, that teached me my a-b-c's.

But a disdainful whisper came back to her that explained it all. "Why, that new girl is only learning her a-b-c's," said a girl, and her desk-mate turned to her with a quick rebuke. "Don't she'll hear you."

I mastered only my a-b-c's at the old stone school house. A year or two later we were sent off in the West Settlement district and I went to school at a little unpainted school house with a creek on one side of it and toeing squarely on the highway on the other.

We have not seen our best days. This is the best day so far, and tomorrow is going to be better on south. We are only children in God's great kindergarten, playing with our A-B-C's. I do not utter that as a bit of sentiment, but as the great fundamental of our life. I hope the oldest in years sees that best. I hope he says, "I am just beginning. Just beginning to understand.

Don't buy any cheap, weighty stuff here, because the freight will eat up all you save. But I'll leave that to you folks; I guess you've had experience enough " "Considering most of us learned our a-b-c's outa Montgomery-Ward catalogues," Weary observed with a quirk of the lips, "I guess you can safely leave it to the bunch.

She was a little girl, to be sure, and sat on the low seat and learnt her a-b-c's. I was four or five years older, and sat on a higher seat with Amy Crompton, till the Colonel took her from the district school and kep' her at home with a governess." Mrs.