United States or Bermuda ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Nashville......... 7,786.30 67. Louisville........ 7,833.90 69. Madison........... 3,693.25 72. Cincinnati........ 9,339.75 73. Wheeling.......... 5,000.00 78. Pittsburg......... 7,210.58 79. New York.......... 6,858.42 80. New York.......... 6,642.04 87. Philadelphia...... 3,852.75 Of Miss Lind's half receipts of the first two Concerts she devoted $10,000 to charity in New York.

From this we can gather that $20 at five per cent. compound interest for 700 years, would buy all the earth, mountains, and swamp lands, and water, at $80 per acre. If it were desired to pay this in gold, 23.2 grains to the dollar, then taking spheres of pure gold the size of the earth, it would take 610,070,000,000,000,000 to pay for that cent.

"'Would you mind saying that over again once more, Uncle Emsley? says I. 'Maybe my hearing has got wrong, and you only said that prime heifers was 4.80 on the hoof, or something like that. "'Married yesterday, says Uncle Emsley, 'and gone to Waco and Niagara Falls on a wedding tour. Why, didn't you see none of the signs all along?

On the other, there is a warlike native population, united by the ties of race and common interests, numbering at the present moment between 400,000 and 500,000, and increasing by leaps and bounds: capable of putting quite 80,000 warriors into the field, and possessing, besides, numerous strongholds called locations.

No motive power is required and the structure of the furnace is of a durable character. Its disadvantages are: Want of control, and the occasionally imperfect character of the roasting originating therefrom. Three sizes of Stetefeldt's furnaces are constructed: The largest will roast from 40 to 80 tons per diem. The intermediate will roast from 20 to 40 tons per diem.

To the bachelor-at-law Villalobos........................... 80 To Francisco Alvarado.......................................80 A total of 1,060 defenseless Indians delivered into the ruthless hands of men steeped in greed, ambition, and selfishness.

Upon an occasion of a special meeting, the Judge made a long address, in which he stated the number of members of the Order in Illinois at 80,000 men, saying they were all well drilled and could be implicitly relied upon, at the right time; members were enjoined to remember their obligations to sustain the principles of the Order, and to aid each other.

The investment was of 80 pounds, which secured the ownership of the corner block facing King William street and Rundle street, and besides 134 acres of valuable suburban land. There were connected with The Register from the earliest days the enterprising head of the house. Robert Thomas, who must have been well aided by his intelligent wife.

The coolies, each carrying upwards of 80 lb. load, had walked twelve hours that day, and besides descending 2000 feet, they had ascended nearly 4000 feet, and gone over innumerable ups and downs besides. The day being spent, I was obliged to camp at any rate; after which he visited me in full canonicals, bringing me a handsome present, but assuring me that he had no authority to let me advance.

On the whole, it is probable that these economic causes of poverty figure in from 50 to 80 per cent of all cases, not operating alone, to be sure, but often in connection with faults of character or physical or mental defects in the individual; for it is always to be remembered in discussing the causes of poverty that one never finds a case which can be fairly attributed to a single cause.