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During the past fiscal year the financial condition of the Post-Office Department has been one of increasing prosperity, and I am gratified in being able to state that the actual postal revenue has nearly equaled the entire expenditures, the latter amounting to $11,314,206.84 and the former to $11,163,789.59, leaving a deficiency of but $150,417.25.

Campbell mentioned a Colonel of Militia who sat with him all the time, and drank equally. See ante, i. 417. In the following September she is thus mentioned by Miss Burney: 'Mrs. Thrale. "To-morrow, Sir, Mrs. Montagu dines here, and then you will have talk enough." Dr.

This was due partly to natural advantages, and partly to social conditions, the planters being generally resident, which the British were not; but cheaper supplies through free intercourse with the American continent also counted for much. From the French West Indies there entered the United States in 1790, 101,417 tons of shipping, of which only 3,925 were French.

Hague's criticism, 413, 414; ameliorating religious influence, 414; freedom, 415; enduring verse and thought, 416, 417; comparison with Jesus, 417; sincere manhood, 418; transparency, 419. English Traits: the first European trip, 62; published, 214; analysis, 214-220; penetration, 383; Teutonic fire, 386. Essays: Dickens's allusion, 156; collected, 166. Essays, second series, 183.

The increase of the annual transportation over that of the preceding year was 3,997,354 miles and the increase in cost was $342,440. The number of post-offices in the United States on the 1st day of July last was 18,417, being an increase of I,670 during the preceding year.

The Turkish army, which might have prevented the conflict, now took the field, and separated the combatants.1 1 Tracy's History, pp. 417, 440. Report for 1842, pp. 117-124. Missionary Herald, 1842, pp. 196, 229, 362. This was very properly regarded as a providential deliverance for the mission, which had never been threatened with so formidable an opposition as at the beginning of the year.

Moreover the dictatorship was thrown open to plebeians in 398, as the mastership of the horse had already been in the year before the Licinian laws ; both the censorships were thrown open in 403, and the praetorship in 417; and about the same time the nobility were by law excluded from one of the censorships, as they had previously been from one of the consulships.

Nowe, to passe from Newfoundelande to 60. degrees, I finde it beste described by Jasper Corterealis, in the thirde volume of the voyadges gathered by Ramusius, fol. 417.

See Dr Field, Of the Church, lib. 5, cap. 54; Bilson, de Gubern. Eccl., cap. 15, p. 417; the author of The History of Episcopacy, part 2, p. 360. If only preaching and baptising, then not praying and reading in the congregation, ministering the Lord’s supper, visiting the sick and particular families.

In 1855, when conditions were thought bad enough, 417,476 inhabitants were crowded into the section south of Fourteenth street; but in 1907 this district contained fully 750,000 population. Forty years ago the lower sections only of Manhattan were overcrowded, but now the density of congestion has spread to all parts of Manhattan, and to parts of the Bronx and Brooklyn.