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On 29th March the Board wrote to Stephens that they had bought: "a cat-built Bark, in Burthen 368 Tuns and of the age of three years and nine months, for conveying such persons as shall be thought proper to the Southward..." At the same time, instructions were sought as to fitting and arming her for the service, and as to the name under with she was to be registered on the list of the Navy.

For observe that this eighth instance is additional to, and therefore not inclusive of, the preceding seven: otherwise it must have been placed as the first, or rather as the whole, the seven following being motives and instances in support and explanation of the point. Ib. p. 368.

It was on April 24, 1538, that a writ of summons was sent forth in the name of Henry VIII., "To thee, Thomas Becket, some time Archbishop of Canterbury" who had then been dead for 368 years "to appear within thirty days to answer to a charge of treason, contumacy, and rebellion against his sovereign lord, King Henry II." But the days passed, and no spirit having stirred the venerated bones of the wonder-working saint, on June 10 judgment was given in favour of Henry, and it was decreed that the Archbishop's bones were to be burnt, and his world-famous shrine overlaid with gold and sparkling with jewels was to be forfeited to the Crown.

Massachusetts Historical Society: tribute to C.C. Emerson, 21; quality of its literature, 84; on Carlyle, 294. Massachusetts Quarterly Review, 193, 302, 307, 411. Materialism, 146, 391. Mather, Cotton: his Magnalia, 5-7; on Concord discord, 57; on New England Melancholy, 216; a borrower, 381. Mathew, Father, disciples, 368. Mayhew, Jonathan, Boston minister, 51.

The historians of Alexander, while conforming nearly to the statements of Ctesias, a little enlarge his dimensions, making the circuit 365, 368, or 385 stades.

The Oldest Italo-Greek Calendar What we know of the oldest calendar of Rome and of some other Latin cities as to the Sabellian and Etruscan measurement of time we have no traditional information is decidedly based on the oldest Greek arrangement of the year, which was intended to answer both to the phases of the moon and to the seasons of the solar year, constructed on the assumption of a lunar period of 29 1/2 days and a solar period of 12 1/2 lunar months or 368 3/4 days, and on the regular alternation of a full month or month of thirty days with a hollow month or month of twenty-nine days and of a year of twelve with a year of thirteen months, but at the same time maintained in some sort of harmony with the actual celestial phenomena by arbitrary curtailments and intercalations.

The Southerners also had the same notion, hoping by one great victory to discourage and convince the North and make peace on the basis of independence; e.g., see Johnston's Narrative 113, 115. Grant likewise had the notion of a decisive battle. Memoirs, i. 368. The position taken by Messrs. Nicolay and Hay, I think, fully warrants this language.

The customary dinner hour at Rome was about three o'clock in the afternoon. The word tempestivus, which in 5 means 'at the right time', here means 'before the right time'. So in English 'in good time' often means 'too early'. See Becker's Gallus, p. 451 et seq. A. 216, e; G. 368, Rem. 2; H. 397, 2, n. PAUCI ADMODUM: Cic. usually says admodum pauci rather than pauci admodum.

Thus there was a sort of truce for the next few years. Of Syria we hear scarcely anything; and even in Pontus the strife must have been abated by the famine of 368. The little we find to record seems to belong to the year 367. On one side, Eunomius the Anomoean was sent into exile, but soon recalled on the intercession of the old Arian Valens of Mursa.

We must therefore guard against that at once. To work, then. Who keeps this famous asylum?" "Dr. Suaby." "Suaby? I know that name. He has been here, I think. Suaby? Not down. Try Asyla. Asyla; 'Suaby: see letter-book for the year , p. 368. An old letter-book. I must go elsewhere for that." He went out, and after some time returned with a folio letter-book. "Here are two letters to me from Dr.