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Yakub ibn Laith got a foothold in Khorasan in 253 A.H. and reigned till 265. Still this report involves much that is incorrect. That the uncouth warrior Yakub who was perpetually camping in the battle fields should have possessed a sense for such a literary undertaking is extremely improbable, though not altogether inconceivable.

Seven officers and 265 men had been killed, and one officer and sixty-two men wounded. Such an overwhelming disaster would have crushed any ordinary commander, particularly when coming so soon after such a rude defeat as that at Kintang. It only roused Major Gordon to increased activity. He at once took energetic measures to retrieve this disaster.

Letter to the People of Scotland against the attempt to diminish the number of the Lords of Session, 1785. BOSWELL. 'By Mr. Georgics, iv. 132. See ante, iii. 56, note 2. Very likely Boswell. See Boswell's Hebrides, Sept. 22. Johnson had said: 'Lord Chesterfield is the proudest man this day existing. Ante, i. 265. Lord Shelburne.

The aloof desert whose terror, whose beauty, whose wonder, whose allure was the awe of infinite space that could be traversed only in toil and humbleness, had been contracted by a thing that now said 29,265. "At this rate we'll get there before six o'clock," I remarked, hopefully. "Oh, this is County Highway!" said Bill.

American State Papers, Foreign Relations, vol. i. p. 522. American State Papers, Foreign Relations, vol. ii. p. 491. American State Papers, Foreign Relations, vol. iii. p. 263. American State Papers, Foreign Relations, vol. iii. p. 265. Ibid., p. 266. Ibid., p. 175. American State Papers, Foreign Relations, vol. iii. p. 98. History of the United States, by Henry Adams, vol. ii. p. 423.

Roman political and business leaders, inexperienced in international political dealings and the promotion of international trade, found their further expansion to the west blocked by Carthaginian political, economic and military installations. The result of the confrontation was a series of three wars that began in 265 B.C., and ended in 146.

But Ssemachow preferred a slower and surer mode of action, with the result that the conquest of Ou was put off for twenty years. Ssemachow died in A.D. 265, and his son Ssemachu founded the new dynasty of the Later Tsins under the name of Vouti, or the warrior prince.

To the sum of 265,000 pounds still owing, must be added say another 150,000 pounds for sums lately advanced to pay the compensation claims, bringing up the actual amount now owing to England to something under half a million, of which I say with confidence she will never see a single 10,000 pounds.

Answer to Question 2,547, p. 265. Freeman's Journal. Hansard, vol. clv., p. 436. 1847, March 11 Food riots occurred in the Highlands. May 19: Alarming food riots took place in various parts of England, at Taunton and in Jersey, and also in France and Spain. Vol. 1. p. 289. Fagan's "Life of O'Connell," vol. I, p. 111. Fagan's "Life of O'Connell", vol. I, p. 161.

The Californian aggregate, from 1848 to 1895, inclusive, as reported by the Statistician of the United States Mint, is $1,265,215,217. A citizen told me a curious thing about those mines. With all my experience of mining I had never heard of anything of the sort before. The main gold reef runs about north and south of course for that is the custom of a rich gold reef.