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American State Papers, Foreign Relations, vol. i. p. 522. American State Papers, Foreign Relations, vol. ii. p. 491. American State Papers, Foreign Relations, vol. iii. p. 263. American State Papers, Foreign Relations, vol. iii. p. 265. Ibid., p. 266. Ibid., p. 175. American State Papers, Foreign Relations, vol. iii. p. 98. History of the United States, by Henry Adams, vol. ii. p. 423.

The exports of specie to liquidate our foreign debt during the past fiscal year have been $24,263,979 over the amount of specie imported. The exports of specie during the first quarter of the present fiscal year have been $14,651,827.

Of them one heareth neither name nor mention; none knoweth of their affairs, and naught remaineth of their signs. 263 What! Will the people dispute then that whereof they themselves stand witness? Will they deny that which they know to be true? I know not in what wilderness they roam! Do they not see that they are embarked upon a journey from which there is no return?

These were distributed as follows: German machines, 366; British, 147; French and Belgian, 201. Of the 366 German aeroplanes brought down 269 fell to the British, ninety-five to the French, and two to the Belgians. British airmen accounted for 263 German aeroplanes and antiaircraft gunners for six.

Above, pp. 118, 163 sq. Above, p. 201. Above, p. 203. Above, p. 250. Above, pp. 251, 262, 263, 264. Above, p. 112. Above, p. 141. Above, p. 214. Above, p. 204. Above, p. 194. Above, p. 185, 189; compare p. 174. Above, p. 166. Above, pp. 249, 250. Above, pp. 107, 109, 111, 119; compare pp. 116, 192, 193. Above, p. 115. Above, p. 180. Above, pp. 113, 142, 170, 233.

The Harleian and Cottonian Manuscripts are rich in interesting details of another fashionable arrival at Calais that of Anne of Cleves, on her way to England to be united in marriage to Henry VIII. Her train was composed of 263 persons, including the Earls of Oversteyn and Roussenbergh, with their 'gentlemen, ladies, pages, officers, and servants. The Lord High Admiral of England came over expressly to take command of the vessel destined to convey the bride across the Channel.

The Cambronne, which on her arrival at Rio de Janeiro had on board 263 men, had been brought up by the raider on March 7, 1917, in the Atlantic Ocean in latitude 21 south, longitude 7 west, or almost on a straight line with Rio, but twenty-two days east.

Lea, History of Auricular Confession, vol. ii, p. 69. There was even, it seems, an eccentric decision of the Salamanca theologians that a nun might so receive money, "licite et valide." Lea, op. cit., vol. ii, pp. 263, 399. Rabutaux, De la Prostitution en Europe, pp. 22 et seq. Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy, Part III, Sect. III, Mem. IV, Subs.

The amount offered and purchased during November was $18,408,600. The premium paid by the Government on such purchases was $2,263,521 and the net saving in interest was about $2,885,000.

At the present time, several Mediterranean plants, chiefly Algerian, having braved the cold of an exceptionally severe winter, are being largely propagated, forming extensive meadows, and changing soil that was formerly arid and produced no vegetable of importance into veritable oases." See Nature, Aug. 1, 1872, p. 263.