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We sailed, as you will find by referring to your pocket-book for you made a memorandum at the time on the 14th day of November last from Cork; sighted Madeira about thirty miles abreast in eight days, and out of sight of it on the 22d.

To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States: I lay before Congress copies of two ratified treaties which were entered into on the part of the United States, one on the 22d day of July, 1814, with the several tribes of Indians called the Wyandots, Delawares, Shawanees, Senakas, and Miamies; the other on the 9th day of August, 1814, with the Creek Nation of Indians.

"PRAG, 22d AUGUST. In the same hours, while Martin lay coercing Naples, the Army of the Oriflamme in Prag City was engaged in 'furious sallies;" readers may divine what that means for Prag and the Oriflamme!

The two several assaults made May 22d, on the lines of Vicksburg, had failed, by reason of the great strength of the position and the determined fighting of its garrison. I have since seen the position at Sevastopol, and without hesitation I declare that at Vicksburg to have been the more difficult of the two. Thereafter our proceedings were all in the nature of a siege.

Once again they tried capturing some natives whom they saw on the shore, but these Carib women were wonderful archers, and a number of them who managed to upset their canoe and swim for liberty shot arrows as they swam. Two of the Spaniards were thus wounded. Not until the 22d of November did the fleet come in sight of Haiti about a month later than if they had come direct from the Canaries.

For on the 22d of March Raleigh sailed into Cedros Bay, and then went up to La Brea and the Pitch Lake.

At length, after many great storms and dangers, which it were tedious to recount, Cabral doubled the Cape on Whitsunday the 22d of May; whence continuing his voyage with a fair wind, he came to anchor at Cape Verd, where he found Diego Diaz, who had separated from the fleet on the outward bound voyage.

In six months from her marriage, after a pleasant trip to the Continent, she took cold in attending a Sunday concert in London; and on the 22d of December, 1880, she passed away from earth to join her "choir invisible," whose thoughts have enriched the world. It is not extravagant to say that George Eliot left no living competitor equal to herself in the realm of fiction.

See the Brief for the State of Oregon, prepared by LOUIS D. BRANDEIS, published by The National Consumers' League, 105 East 22d Street, New York. DUDLEY, Principles and Practices of Gynecology, pp. 23-24, says that among Indian women want of care during and after labor leads to numberless evils. In all savage societies labor is clearly specialized between the sexes.

That very day, Daun has vanished again, still in the southerly direction, again under veil of Pandours. Meanwhile, in spite of all things, the Siege makes progress; "June 22d, Balbi's sap had got to their glacis, and was pushing forward there," June 22d, day when Daun made momentary appearance, and the reinforcement stole in: within a fortnight more, Balbi promises the thing shall be done.