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But at that very moment the mistress came, and seized the stick in great haste, and beat them and treated them very hardly. And when they were outside the house, the little dogs said to the countryman, "Dost, dost, dost, dost, dost thou see?" Then the countryman laughed and said, "Didn't, didn't, didn't, you expect it?" So they just had to run away. 191 The Sea-Hare

He seemed pleased at the moment, but said next minute, 'You have distressed me if memory goes, all is up with me, for that was always my strong point." Life, vol. ix. p. 236. Milton's L'Allegro, ver. 137, 294. Afterwards second Earl Powis. Regarding the Chancery business, see infra, p. 191, n. Sir Walter had shortly before been one of the contributors to a subscription for Mr. Haydon.

In 1897 there were 191,962 Shinto temples; in 1901 there were 195,256. It seems probable that such changes as must occur in the near future will be social rather than religious; and there is little reason to believe that these changes however they may tend to weaken filial piety in sundry directions will seriously affect the ancestor-cult itself.

Planets Mercury. ........ ......... 1.24 7.17 0.85 13.7 ..... Venus... 23 21 22 ........ 0.92 5.21 0.83 13.4 53+ The Earth. ..... Spring, 93 1.00 5.67 1.00 16.09 23 1/2 Summer, 93 Terrestrial days Autumn, 90 Winter,89 Mars... 24 37 23 Spring, 191 0.96 2.54 0.38 6.2 27 1/2 Summer, 181 Martian days Autumn, 149 Winter, 147 Asteroids........................................................

The American settlers who had come in round the French villages on the Wabash and the Illinois were of more consequence. MSS., No. 48, p. 165. Of adult males there were among the French 520 at Vincennes, 191 at Kaskaskia, 239 at Cahokia, 11 at St. Phillippe, and 78 at Prairie du Rocher.

This method of reaction, although inadequate, proved remarkably persistent, and it is doubtful whether it had been wholly overcome at the conclusion of the experiment. In the case of the series of trials given on June 8, numbered 191 to 200, the method used was either that of the first at the right and then the next, or direct choice of the right box.

187 Toes are the fingers that have forsaken their past. 188 Darkness travels towards light, but blindness towards death. 189 The pet dog suspects the universe for scheming to take its place. 190 Sit still my heart, do not raise your dust. Let the world find its way to you. 191 The bow whispers to the arrow before it speeds forth "Your freedom is mine."

And yet they "contain nothing but what has been in some way or other subservient to the use of man," and they are so densely stuffed with products of human industry that, during a two days' stay at Milgaard, Lubbock dug out no less than 191 pieces of stone-implements and four fragments of pottery.

The very considerable literature which has come down to us from before his time shows, in any case, that his edict was somewhat ineffective; and in fact it was repealed after twenty-two years, in 191. After a brief reign by the son of the First Emperor, who did not inherit his capacity, we come to the great Han dynasty, which reigned from 206 B.C. to A.D. 220.

The factory is educating them to a consciousness of the solidarity of their class interests. All class organizations have their faults, but they teach their members group values and the dependence of the individual on his fellows. 191. =The Benefits of the New Industry to the Workers.= It must not be supposed that the industrial revolution and the age of machinery have been a social misfortune.