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The day after Beattie had returned to London, a note from Rosamund told her that the lease of Little Cloisters had been renewed for another six months, till the end of March, 1901. "And if old Dion comes back in the meanwhile, as I fully expect he will?" said Guy, when Beattie told him of Rosamund's note.

His position was precarious. No one but a Boer leader with a supreme contempt for his enemy would have thought of placing himself within striking distance of Pretoria and Johannesburg. Yet on January 11, 1901, he audaciously laagered within a few miles of Johannesburg, unknown to the garrison.

"After lunch each spends the afternoon as he chooses. Mr. James invites me to come and visit a snuggery that he has established, where I find him writing. He reads what he has written, also part of Browning's 'Rabbi Ben Ezra. "Tuesday, Sept. 3, 1901. At and preparing to leave Shinumo. The magnitude of the undertaking appalls me. It is so much more tremendous than I anticipated. The Start.

In addition to the Khasis there are some members of Bodo tribes inhabiting parts of the district. The Lynngam tribe appears to have been reckoned in 1901 as Khasi, there being no separate record at the last Census of these people. The district is split up into two divisions, the Khasi Hills proper and the Jaintia Hills.

From the very start the Great Northern was noted for its low ratio of operating expenses and its comparatively long trains and heavy trainloads. It was by this method that it really made its money. By the year 1901 the Great Northern Railway absolutely controlled its own territory.

In that he, near Knutsford, Cradock, on or about the 27th of July, 1901, cut the railway line, thereby causing a portion of a passenger train to be derailed. To be tried by Military Court by order of General French. The prisoner takes his stand at the place from which other witnesses give their evidence: The prisoner, Pieter Hendrik Kritzinger, being duly sworn, states:

A short mile's walk to the west of Knocke brings us to Duinbergen, one of the newest of the Flemish plages, founded in the year 1901 by the Société Anonyme de Duinbergen, a company in which some members of the Royal Family are said to hold shares.

Had he been in his old viceroyalty at Tientsin, this Boxer war could not have occurred. That its fury was limited to the northern belt of provinces was owing to the wisdom of Chang and Liu, the great satraps of Central China who engaged to keep their provinces in order, if not attacked by foreigners. I called on the old statesman in the summer of 1901, after the last of the treaties was signed.

By the census of 1901 the total was 776,006, the decrease of 45,758 being attributed to the frightful mortality by the plague in 1900 and 1901. It is the most enterprising, the most modern, the most active, the richest and the most prosperous city in India.

* In this list I have not mentioned the assassination of M. Bogolyepof, Minister of Public Instruction, in 1901, because I do not know whether it should be attributed to the Socialist-Revolutionaries or to the Narodovoltsi, who had not yet amalgamated with them.