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Meanwhile, the publicity afforded by the Board of Trade Returns, and public discussion, helped to hasten events and the climax was reached in 1889, when a terrible accident, due primarily to inefficient brake power, occurred in Ireland, and was attended with great loss of life.

On October 20, 1889, Edward Bok became the editor of The Ladies' Home Journal. There is a popular notion that the editor of a woman's magazine should be a woman. At first thought, perhaps, this sounds logical.

"Executive Mansion, "Washington, Oct. 24, 1889. "Hon. Shelby M. Cullom, "Springfield, Ills. "My dear Senator: "I want to say a few words further to you about the Chicago appointments. There has been for some months a good deal of complaint that changes were not made.

As long ago as 1889, when the population of New York City was much less than now, Thomas G. Shearman, a keen student of land conditions, placed the collective wealth of the Astors at $250,000,000. The stupendous magnitude of this fortune alone may at once be seen in its relation to the condition of the masses of the people.

He saw, too, that the average popular magazine of 1889 failed of large success because it wrote down to the public a grievous mistake that so many editors have made and still make.

How strong their feeling is can better be illustrated by a story than in any other way. In 1889 I was stationed far away on the north-west frontier of Burma, in charge of some four thousand square miles of territory which had been newly incorporated.

Ever since the triumphal journey of William II to the Bosphorus in 1889, German influence, under the able guidance of Baron von Radowitz, steadily increased. This culminated in the régime of the late Baron Marschall von Bieberstein, who was ambassador from 1897 to 1912.

Luke's Square in the parish of Bursley in the County of Stafford and at present in the occupation of Mrs. Constance Povey widow under a lease expiring in September 1889." Thus clearly asserting that all Constance's shop was for sale, its whole entirety, and not a fraction or slice of it merely, the posters proceeded: "Lot 2.

Finally the long-looked-for document appeared, and Easter Monday, 1889, was named as the date on which the section of Oklahoma included in the bill was to be declared open.

Now just listen to what I have written in my own private log." He stepped along to the deck-house, entered his cabin, and came back with the private log aforesaid. "Here, listen to this: "'Vavau, Tonga Islands, May 3, 1889. This evening Captain Hendry and Mr. Chard, the supercargo, came on board at six o'clock, accompanied by several white men and a number of loose Samoan women.