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Again, in 1882 we find him an inventor, this time of the patent asbestos fire balloon, by means of which the principal danger to such balloons was overcome. At this point it is needful to make mention of the third generation the several sons who early showed their zeal and aptitude for perpetuating the family tradition.

On 23rd February 1882, when an announcement was made by myself that Gordon would vacate his command in a few weeks' time, the Cape Government again expressed its desire to obtain the use of his services, and moreover recollected the telegram to which no reply had been sent.

The outcome of their deliberations upon them was twofold. First. The departure of Señora Blanco, under care of an attaché of the Spanish Legation, to join her husband at New Orleans. Second. The following diplomatic communication from the Minister of Spain to the Secretary of State of the United States of America. Legation of Spain at Washington, January 16th, 1882.

Darwin would have had to have said if he had been frank with us; it is not surprising, therefore, that he should have been less frank than might have been wished. I have no doubt that many a time between 1859 and 1882, the year of his death, Mr.

Edison devoted a great deal of his time to the engineering work in connection with the laying out of the first incandescent electric-lighting system in New York. Apparently at that time between the end of 1881 and spring of 1882 the most serious work was the manufacture and installation of underground conductors in this territory.

I hope against hope, but still I hope," Susan wrote in her diary in 1885, as she waited for news from Oregon Territory regarding the vote of the people on a woman suffrage amendment. Woman suffrage was defeated in Oregon; and in Washington Territory, where in 1883 it had carried, a contest was being waged in the courts to invalidate it. In Nebraska it had also been defeated in 1882.

The "Great September Comet" of 1882 was in no hurry to withdraw itself from curious terrestrial scrutiny. It was discerned with the naked eye at Cordoba as late as March 7, 1883, and still showed in the field of the great equatoreal on June 1 as an "excessively faint whiteness."

Unlike Whistler, Stevens never abandoned the rich and complicated color arrangements of his youth for an austere and restricted palette. He nevertheless was at his best when his picture was dominated by a single color, as in the wonderful Fédora of 1882 or La Tricoteuse.

After July 1st, 1878, the fund derived from brothels was used for the operation of the provisions of the Contagious Diseases Ordinance only. Later, on July 28, 1882, Governor Hennessy received in London a large deputation of gentlemen interested in the abolition of the Contagious Diseases Ordinance of Hong Kong.

I received a hearty vote of thanks, and all were delighted that their dear teacher was well and happy. The following spring I went East, visiting my friends and relatives in the township of Reach and Durham County. While visiting Port Hope I met the late Colonel Williams, who subsequently became a sincere friend of mine, and in 1882 I was appointed drill instructor at Trinity College school.