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I was never dragged out of a pond, nor supposed to be dead never! You quite frighten one. 'Then you and I, your sister, and that thrice-accursed Bedford, did not, on the 7th of August 1821, go for a sail on the piece of water at Lowfield, and the skiff was not, in the deadly, sudden, jealous strife between him and me, accidentally upset?

From the winter of 1821, when I first read Bentham, and especially from the commencement of the Westminster Review, I had what might truly be called an object in life; to be a reformer of the world. My conception of my own happiness was entirely identified with this object. The personal sympathies I wished for were those of fellow labourers in this enterprise.

In 1821, at the end of Macquarie's government, there was scattered about in the colony a population of 29,783, of whom 13,814 were convicts, and among these were found ministering seven clergymen of the Church of England, with no bishop of that Church to "set things in order" nearer than the Antipodes, the very opposite side of the habitable globe!

But as the powers had agreed to help Denmark to enforce her claims, a compromise was effected in 1821, by which the Storthing agreed to pay three million dollars, the king relinquishing his civil list for a certain number of years. The same Storthing adopted the law abolishing the nobility in Norway.

The family had been noted for its longevity, the average age of the ancestors of the present generation being between seventy and eighty years. R. F. Humiston, whose life we propose briefly to sketch, was born in Great Barrington, July 29th, 1821.

After having received on board a quantity of rattan, as private trade for the captain, we made sail and arrived at Macao, on January 26th, 1821, after a long and tedious voyage. Macao, a town of China, in the province of Canton, is seated in an inland at the entrance of the river Tae. The Portuguese have been in possession of the town and harbour since the early part of the seventeenth century.

The family rapidly increased till it embraced six boys and five girls, all of whom attained maturity and married; of these six are still living. In the year 1821 a vacancy occurred in the Supreme Court of Ohio, and I find this petition: Somerset, Ohio, July 6, 1821.

However, I shall endeavour to give as correct a summary of the whole affair as the materials before me will justify. The occasion of Hunt's removal to Italy will be best explained by quoting the letter from his friend Shelley, by which he was induced to take that obviously imprudent step. "Pisa, Aug. 26, 1821.

As a result the executors and the Board issued instructions on December 26th, 1821, for the instituting of a second suit to obtain possession of the endowment fund, and the two suits proceeded. The settlement of the first case was long delayed, and was attended with numerous discouragements. It involved, too, great expense, which the Board was not always able to meet.

The reason assigned by the legislature for enacting a law which punished the wilful murder of a human being by a fine, was that 'CRUELTY is HIGHLY UNBECOMING, and 'ODIOUS. It was doubtless the same reason that induced the legislature in 1821, to make a show of giving more protection to the life of the slave.