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As applied to Englishmen Froude disliked it no less than Gladstone or Bright. "February 16th, 1877. The Opposition have no hope of making a successful attack on the present Parliament but they are resolute. I too think you are deceived by the London Press. Another massacre and all would be over.

Being an Edinburgh man by birth, I ought to have known him by sight, but I have been absent from my native city for many years, and may be excused for not recognising one of Edinburgh's most distinguished dwellers, now unhappily lost to us. "BANCHORY, 16th July 1880.

In this way the news of the disaster reached Sir Henry Clinton at breakfast. After the surrender, Wayne wrote the following letter to Washington: Stony Point, 16th July, 1779, 2 o'clock. Dear General, The fort and garrison with Colonel Johnson are ours. Our officers and men behaved like men who are determined to be free. Yours most sincerely, Ant'y Wayne. General Washington.

The importance of this general circular of October 16th is that, at a time when the Colonial Secretary was exhorting the new governor-general to part with none of his prerogatives, and in a colony where public opinion was importuning with some persistence for a more popular executive, one of the best excuses for withholding from the people their desires was removed.

But it is typical of the system, or rather want of system, of French colonisation generally. On March 16th the Genii left Barcelona with over two hundred and fifty colonists men, women and children. Some of the Italians were from the north these were hard-working and intelligent some from Calabria little better than beasts of the field and the Spaniards came from Valencia and Catalonia.

My left temple continued swollen for two or three days; and my horse was laid up for a month, the glands of his neck swelling, until a serious abscess was formed, owing to his having pitched with his head against the bank in falling. I narrowly inspected the place a few weeks after this morning, and only wonder both our necks were not broken. Philadelphia, Sept. 16th.

The only thing to do was to get without any delay what could be spared, and on the afternoon of the 16th the Terra Nova came alongside to hand over her supply.

He was furious; this fury did not last long, however; a month after, that is to say, on the 16th of July, the Pope made him cardinal with Dion Alexander Alboni, nephew of the deceased Pope, and brother of the Cardinal Camarlingue.

We have no doubt but he will yet distinguish himself in that untrodden field. On the 16th of June we started for the Upper Cataracts, with a mule-cart, our road lying a distance of a mile west from the river.

16th. Up and to my office, where all the morning doing business, and at noon home to dinner, and then up to remove my chest and clothes up stairs to my new wardrobe, that I may have all my things above where I lie, and so by coach abroad with my wife, leaving her at my Lord's till I went to the Tangier Committee, where very good discourse concerning the Articles of peace to be continued with Guyland, and thence took up my wife, and with her to her tailor's, and then to the Exchange and to several places, and so home and to my office, where doing some business, and then home to supper and to bed.