United States or Haiti ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

In one of the most important of those encounters, early in February , near White Plains, a captain and 14 men of a Massachusetts regiment were killed on the spot, 17 were wounded, and 90, with Colonel Thompson, the officer who commanded the party, were made prisoners.

The fact that between 1840-44, 9.4 per cent of the college men went into teaching as a profession and 37.5 per cent into the ministry, while between 1890-94, 25.4 per cent chose the former and only 14 per cent the latter, can be accounted for only on the basis of environmental influence of some kind.

And thus much doth this man Christ Jesus testify unto us, where he says, "He shall glorify me," saith the Son of Mary. But how? Why, "he shall take of mine" -what I have done and am doing in the presence of the Father "and shall show it unto you." John 16:14.

On the 4th and 5th they extended their gains on their right by the capture of most of Estrées and Belloy, and after disposing of German counter-attacks leapt forward on the 9th past Flaucourt to Biaches, a mile from Péronne. On 14 July the second stage of the battle of the Somme began with an attack before dawn.

I was born the 10th of May, 1860. My home was in Charleston, S.C. I was not a slave, but my parents were. My mother was a seamstress and my father, Edward Barnewill, was butler for their white folks. I looks the door at sundown, and me and God are all by ourselves, and I am not afraid. I came to Sherrill when I was a schoolgirl, and married when I was 14. Lived here after I was married.

Then the Germans entered the field of competition with steamers of from 14,500 to 20,000 tons register and from 28,000 to 40,000 horse power.

Sunday at midnight of July 14, 1822, was fixed upon originally as the time for beginning his attack upon the city. But about the last of May, owing to indications that the plot had been discovered, he shortened the period of its preparation, and appointed instead midnight of Sunday, June 16th, of the same year.

Madeira is situated between the thirty-second and thirty-third parallels of north latitude. Its extreme length is about 33 miles, and its greatest breadth 14, and it contains about 115,000 inhabitants. It was well known to the ancients, and re-discovered by the Portuguese captain, Zarco, sent out by the great Don Henry.

The United States produced 56.1 million tons or 36 per cent of the whole; Germany produced 32.7 million tons; France 19.2 million tons; the United Kingdom 14.0 million tons. No other country is reported as producing as much as ten million tons. The position of the United States as a producer of iron and steel was greatly enhanced by the war.

The following examples will illustrate some of the other many forms of orders, and are self-explanatory. No. 14 has a right to use ten minutes of the time of No. 13 between Jason and Jonesboro. All trains will run carefully over track from one-half mile east of Salt Water to Big River Bridge, track soft. Engine 341 will run extra from DeLeon to Valdosta.